Highly recommended, especially for Glenn. You should have her on your show. Brilliant lady.


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This was the first time I found myself vehemently disagreeing with Glenn. It was uncomfortable because I’ve grown to deeply respect his voice and how he reasons. Maybe I should be more open-minded to Coates and allow for a few compliments about his writing, but hearing him in several interviews, the man seems so simple in his critique. Even the premise that he went to Israel for 10 days and spent time with only one side seems so obviously flawed, I was truly astonished that Glenn couldn’t find stronger criticism. I’ve noticed that on the Israel issue, Glenn’s arguments tend to elide any counterexamples, failing to address key contradictions like “why is Israel to blame for Hamas planting themselves among civilians to maximize deaths”? In that framing, Glenn’s criticism of Israel (and not Hamas for their responsibility) only helps Hamas achieve its goal of turning the world against Israel. This seems obvious and I have to wonder what psychologically draws Glenn to this argument, when he’s usually so comfortable exploring such nuances?

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Glenn and anyone who thinks Coates is actually on to something, please listen to the brilliant Elica Le Bon https://x.com/elicalebon/status/1845628846374293518

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Here's another review of the book that's worth reading. What sets it apart is that it takes up not only Coates' trip to "Palestine" -- comparing it to the infamous "reporting" about Stalin's Soviet Union by the NYT's Walter Duranty -- but also the South Carolina visit and -- are you listening, Glenn -- the ridiculously over-rated quality of Coates' writing: https://freebeacon.com/culture/delete-this-message/

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Coates is the current king of American Black victimy.

The oppressor/oppressed narrative is reductionist infantile dribble.

Glenn eschews his race being too comfortable with victimy and advocates for taking individual responsibility.

Yet the Palestinians who could have flourished MANY times over since 1948

have CHOSEN to be used by their corrupt leaders and psychopathic terrorists.

Simply, The hypocrisy of his own thinking reveals Jew hatred.

A commentor on this thread got to what I think could be the core. He said ‘ A man has got to go home’. Glenn’s bed with his wife and his reunified relationship with his son, both unapologetic antisemites , take prime position for him at this later stage in his life.

He chooses to sleep in his own bed and hug his son. This is a choice of course he gets to make. But why not be honest about it Instead of making Israel and the Jews to be something THEY ARE NOT.

I recommend everyone listen to Naftali Bennett in dialogue with Jordan Peterson on what is happening this moment in Israel, In America, In the world.

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I'm a moderate Jew who loves your show because of your ability (and desire) to objectively critique political and social dogma. Regardless of the person who says it, the color of their skin, or their beliefs/religion. Truly, I respect your work.

But you have failed in your willful neglect of critique of Mr. T Coates' new book. You mention that he's a beautiful writer, but you also acknowledge that his analysis is incredibly thin and simplistic, yet you don't take issue with it. Why? As your colleague, John, says: I'm shocked that you don't challenge the lack of sophistication and historical basis of Coate's calling Israel apartheid colonists. You're better than that. You're more analytical and critical than that.

To remind you, Jewish people are not "white" nor "colonists". THere is 3,000 years of archaeological, biblical liturgic and social history that proves that Jews are indigenous to their homeland in Israel. Not exclusively indigenous, but indigenous. Also to remind you, the Jews wandered for nearly 2,000 years throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. In all of those places, they were outcasts and non-citizens. And, in Europe in particular, they were decidely NOT accepted as "white" nor indigenous, but "other" and subhuman or non-Aryan/non-white.

So, which is it, Glen? Are Jews colonists and committing apartheid on the Arabs? Or, are the Jews of Israel in their homeland protecting themselves from homocidal extremist Islamists (to be clear - not all Arab Muslims, but those that do) that have for 100 years tried to eliminate them from the Land, as the intolerant Islamists have succeeded in doing to other cultures in the Levant (Maronite Christians, Druze, Coptic Christians, Zorastrians, and many others).

Many Israeli governments offered peace and coexistence through the decades - all were summarily rejected without negotiation by Arafat and his minions. The "Wall" and checkpoints were erected as a result of non-stop suicide bombings, and a direct demonstration of that inability to coexist. Let us hope that we can return to the negotiating table, and eventually realize that vision of coexistence. But before that ever has a chance, the Middle East must decide through politics and/or war to rid themselves of the Islamist ideologies that reject coexistence. Until then, let's not be distracted by "simplistic" interpretations of objectively verifiable facts. Israel has responded to non-stop aggression and terrorism for 100 years. Peace is the objective, but that is hard when your partner in peace wants to kill you. Let's not be naive, lest we make things worse.

Remember, Hitler was a great orator. That is no reason to embrace such simplistic dogma.

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I thought about this more and why Glenn’s praise of Coates rankled me so much. Was it just that Coates is on the other team and I don’t want to hear my side give any ground? Possible.

But then I thought about it and read some of the past criticism of Coates. The real issue is that Coates is a Manichean thinker. An elegant writer, yes, but he seems to abhor nuance on subjects related to race or the oppressor/oppressed narrative.

Glenn usually asks his readers/listeners to look for the nuance in an argument. To steel-man the one side and the other. To then hear praise for someone who does none of that was jarring.

Another intellectual praising Coates latest book or essay as genius isn’t anything new but to hear a great thinker like Glenn violate one of the central aspects of his character-that was disappointing.

I guess I need to steel-man, Glenn’s non steel-manning but I’m struggling.

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Come on, Glenn, man up: As others have suggested, have the honesty and courage to stand Coates' views up against someone who has deep knowledge of the long, complex history of the Israeli conflict. Various names have been suggested in previous comments. I would add Jonathan Conricus of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, located in DC. Or Brett Stevens of the NYT. The fact that, in the long year that has just ended, the ONLY voice you've given a platform to is the vehement critic of Israel, Norman Finklestein, tells me that perhaps you are not the honest fearless voice you always present yourself as. Now that you have given such credence to Coates' views, it is no longer sufficient to just have a friendly chat with John about the matter and call it a day. No. You've created this. You've broadcast your effusive praise of Coates' book. Now see it through.

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I just heard Coates on another podcast. He was asked if he would have taken part in the October 7 massacre. He said he might have, that his anger as a mistreated Palestinian might be such that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. I'm sure I don't have to remind everyone that October 7 included: women gang-raped, handed from terrorist to terrorist; women's limbs cut off; women tied to trees and raped; women's breasts cut off; children killed in front of their parents; parents killed in front of their children; people beheaded; survivors who only survived because they hid under the dead bodies of their friends....I could go on but I can't.

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Oh no...that's just speculation and propaganda. There's no evidence that ANYTHING really happened that day. Coates is...nvm...won't say it

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Coates is just a better spoken version of Ibram X. Kendi. A race hustler profiting on dovodong the races and white liberal guilt. I don’t know why he is even relevant. John and Glenn are far more relevant thinkers.

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Glenn, you are evidently much more of a romantic than I had imagined. You seem to have been captured by Coates delightful prose at the expense of critically examining his assertions and arguments. When next you review/discuss Coates' writings, please keep this in mind. McWhorter is correct. And those who would cancel you don't understand you.

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The Houthi's have restored slavery in the areas under their control. The IDF just rescued a Yazdi slave from Hamas the other day, she had been trafficked and held for over 10 years. Even if I accept every notion of Israel as an awful place how can you possibly accept moral equivalency of the various sides?

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Good point. But here is an even more significant form of slavery -- taking place inside our nation's own borders. That is what sex trafficking is. And we now have HUNDREDS of thousands of unaccounted for kids in this country subjected to this inhumanity. The Free Press has a good article everyone should read.


Slavery was abolished in this nation in 1865, yet this is a form of slavery. Our elites wring their hands daily in response to deceitful and distorted news about suffering Gazans (most of whom except for young children are complicit in that suffering). But these oh-so "enlightened" elites have no time, apparently, for this disgrace. One aspect of this disgusting obsession with Israel and the Jews is that it renders all sorts of other, far worse forms of oppression invisible in the public discourse. Meanwhile, Harvard is spending $100 MILLION to discover and disown EVERY person ever connected with Harvard who owned slaves. Wow, what courage! Coates by joining in the anti-Israel obsession and perpetuating the obsessions with America's past sins against blacks is contributing to the deflection of attention from vast numbers of persecuted black people in Africa in addition to these trafficked illegals here, who are also POC mostly. And Glenn, I am sad to say, is also contributing to this disappearing act by his contribution to this distorted double standard and moral inversion regarding the Jews of Israel.

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Sorry Glenn, it's been a good long ride. But I'm getting off here. Unsubscribing.

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I’m done with Glenn- unsubscribed. He is selling his soul and gaslighting. I don’t know why and I don’t even care.

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The increase in gaslighting is bothersome. I get the sense that we're being played for suckers.

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PERHAPS for Glenn this isn’t actually about Israel or the palestineans.

I wonder why THIS world conflict is the hill he chooses to stumble from as there are so many to choose from. By his own telling, Glenn has a personal history of

earning success and status only to self- sabotage, betray himself and those close to him. Now, in his mid 70’s , having reached the top of the mountain (known as a public intellectual, a memoir, a podcast, a think tank) CRASH.

Once again Glenn has undermined his own achievemts. Glenn’s self- immolation is disappointing for large swaths of his public supporters, but mostly quite sad for him.

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I've just this minute canceled my subscription out of disgust for Glenn's newfound 'appreciation' for T-NC whose writings and influence in my estimation on just about any subject he has chosen to address are insidiously poisonous. That the oily Ta is now admired by Glenn as he inserts himself and his poisonous ideas into the tragic Israeli Palestinian matter is just more than I can bear. In taking my leave I wish to extend my best regards to this particular community of substackers. I have appreciated your support for my comments.

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my subscription runs out tomorrow and I will not renew so I can continue to post for a few more hours

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Mine is good until June 2025. I'll try to pick up the slack.

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You and me both. I am sticking around, not going anywhere, just like Israel and the Jews.

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