I'm a moderate Jew who loves your show because of your ability (and desire) to objectively critique political and social dogma. Regardless of the person who says it, the color of their skin, or their beliefs/religion. Truly, I respect your work.
But you have failed in your willful neglect of critique of Mr. T Coates' new book. You m…
I'm a moderate Jew who loves your show because of your ability (and desire) to objectively critique political and social dogma. Regardless of the person who says it, the color of their skin, or their beliefs/religion. Truly, I respect your work.
But you have failed in your willful neglect of critique of Mr. T Coates' new book. You mention that he's a beautiful writer, but you also acknowledge that his analysis is incredibly thin and simplistic, yet you don't take issue with it. Why? As your colleague, John, says: I'm shocked that you don't challenge the lack of sophistication and historical basis of Coate's calling Israel apartheid colonists. You're better than that. You're more analytical and critical than that.
To remind you, Jewish people are not "white" nor "colonists". THere is 3,000 years of archaeological, biblical liturgic and social history that proves that Jews are indigenous to their homeland in Israel. Not exclusively indigenous, but indigenous. Also to remind you, the Jews wandered for nearly 2,000 years throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. In all of those places, they were outcasts and non-citizens. And, in Europe in particular, they were decidely NOT accepted as "white" nor indigenous, but "other" and subhuman or non-Aryan/non-white.
So, which is it, Glen? Are Jews colonists and committing apartheid on the Arabs? Or, are the Jews of Israel in their homeland protecting themselves from homocidal extremist Islamists (to be clear - not all Arab Muslims, but those that do) that have for 100 years tried to eliminate them from the Land, as the intolerant Islamists have succeeded in doing to other cultures in the Levant (Maronite Christians, Druze, Coptic Christians, Zorastrians, and many others).
Many Israeli governments offered peace and coexistence through the decades - all were summarily rejected without negotiation by Arafat and his minions. The "Wall" and checkpoints were erected as a result of non-stop suicide bombings, and a direct demonstration of that inability to coexist. Let us hope that we can return to the negotiating table, and eventually realize that vision of coexistence. But before that ever has a chance, the Middle East must decide through politics and/or war to rid themselves of the Islamist ideologies that reject coexistence. Until then, let's not be distracted by "simplistic" interpretations of objectively verifiable facts. Israel has responded to non-stop aggression and terrorism for 100 years. Peace is the objective, but that is hard when your partner in peace wants to kill you. Let's not be naive, lest we make things worse.
Remember, Hitler was a great orator. That is no reason to embrace such simplistic dogma.
I'm a moderate Jew who loves your show because of your ability (and desire) to objectively critique political and social dogma. Regardless of the person who says it, the color of their skin, or their beliefs/religion. Truly, I respect your work.
But you have failed in your willful neglect of critique of Mr. T Coates' new book. You mention that he's a beautiful writer, but you also acknowledge that his analysis is incredibly thin and simplistic, yet you don't take issue with it. Why? As your colleague, John, says: I'm shocked that you don't challenge the lack of sophistication and historical basis of Coate's calling Israel apartheid colonists. You're better than that. You're more analytical and critical than that.
To remind you, Jewish people are not "white" nor "colonists". THere is 3,000 years of archaeological, biblical liturgic and social history that proves that Jews are indigenous to their homeland in Israel. Not exclusively indigenous, but indigenous. Also to remind you, the Jews wandered for nearly 2,000 years throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. In all of those places, they were outcasts and non-citizens. And, in Europe in particular, they were decidely NOT accepted as "white" nor indigenous, but "other" and subhuman or non-Aryan/non-white.
So, which is it, Glen? Are Jews colonists and committing apartheid on the Arabs? Or, are the Jews of Israel in their homeland protecting themselves from homocidal extremist Islamists (to be clear - not all Arab Muslims, but those that do) that have for 100 years tried to eliminate them from the Land, as the intolerant Islamists have succeeded in doing to other cultures in the Levant (Maronite Christians, Druze, Coptic Christians, Zorastrians, and many others).
Many Israeli governments offered peace and coexistence through the decades - all were summarily rejected without negotiation by Arafat and his minions. The "Wall" and checkpoints were erected as a result of non-stop suicide bombings, and a direct demonstration of that inability to coexist. Let us hope that we can return to the negotiating table, and eventually realize that vision of coexistence. But before that ever has a chance, the Middle East must decide through politics and/or war to rid themselves of the Islamist ideologies that reject coexistence. Until then, let's not be distracted by "simplistic" interpretations of objectively verifiable facts. Israel has responded to non-stop aggression and terrorism for 100 years. Peace is the objective, but that is hard when your partner in peace wants to kill you. Let's not be naive, lest we make things worse.
Remember, Hitler was a great orator. That is no reason to embrace such simplistic dogma.