As a survivor of a University similar to Brown, I call for defunding intolerance wherever it’s found. Leftist will always accuse others of what they do.
As a survivor of a University similar to Brown, I call for defunding intolerance wherever it’s found. Leftist will always accuse others of what they do.
What I have found is the Left’s most common weapon is to call others either stupid or unworthy of their respect. It was ultimately at the heart of Hillary Clinton’s comment, and it was also referenced by President Obama‘s comment on those who cling to religion. How he still commands respect from anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear is a mystery to me.
We should be very cautious when electing people to representative office, or leadership positions, who look with such contempt at the citizens they lead. It’s disturbing.
You've put your finger on the reason I blame Hilary for Trump. People can tell when they are being treated with contempt, and they really do not like it. In 2016, a lot of people were still suffering from the effects of the 2008 crash. Democrats were offering nothing for them; the managerial/political class had mostly recovered, those who had seen any loss.
Obama was correct about certain people clinging to their religion and guns. I live in the Deep South and witness it daily. White men 👨 running around with inadequate jimmies/insecurities and compensating for it with AR-15s. You can only shoot one at a time. Lol!!!!
'Leftists will always accuse others of what they do'. Yes. Could not have said it better. I recommend yesterday's Wall Street Journal - Saturday/Sunday June 24-25, 2023 - Opinion on page A11 The American Left's Fantastic Threats by Barton Swaim.
It frosts me every single time leftists make false accusations about the exact things they do ALL THE TIME. And a huge chunk of Americans FALL FOR IT - and REPEAT IT. They cancel, censor, name call, incite, actually ban books and are always pointing their finger at something of which THEY are guilty as sin. It's annoying.
Okay. Got that out. Now let me thank Glenn for this humbly presented article that gives us a mere glimpse of the extraordinary body of work he has produced on the subject of race. Plus it's just a pleasure to listen to him, no matter the seriousness of the subject. For someone so accomplished, he always presents himself as a regular person, with a twinkle in his eye because he's obviously enjoying himself and having fun.
I see you're over-joyed with meritorious manumission negroes. The white plantstion owners would reward them with freedom and monuments for being nformants for the white supremacist cause. Saviors? Lol!!!!
As a survivor of a University similar to Brown, I call for defunding intolerance wherever it’s found. Leftist will always accuse others of what they do.
What I have found is the Left’s most common weapon is to call others either stupid or unworthy of their respect. It was ultimately at the heart of Hillary Clinton’s comment, and it was also referenced by President Obama‘s comment on those who cling to religion. How he still commands respect from anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear is a mystery to me.
We should be very cautious when electing people to representative office, or leadership positions, who look with such contempt at the citizens they lead. It’s disturbing.
You've put your finger on the reason I blame Hilary for Trump. People can tell when they are being treated with contempt, and they really do not like it. In 2016, a lot of people were still suffering from the effects of the 2008 crash. Democrats were offering nothing for them; the managerial/political class had mostly recovered, those who had seen any loss.
Obama was correct about certain people clinging to their religion and guns. I live in the Deep South and witness it daily. White men 👨 running around with inadequate jimmies/insecurities and compensating for it with AR-15s. You can only shoot one at a time. Lol!!!!
'Leftists will always accuse others of what they do'. Yes. Could not have said it better. I recommend yesterday's Wall Street Journal - Saturday/Sunday June 24-25, 2023 - Opinion on page A11 The American Left's Fantastic Threats by Barton Swaim.
It frosts me every single time leftists make false accusations about the exact things they do ALL THE TIME. And a huge chunk of Americans FALL FOR IT - and REPEAT IT. They cancel, censor, name call, incite, actually ban books and are always pointing their finger at something of which THEY are guilty as sin. It's annoying.
Okay. Got that out. Now let me thank Glenn for this humbly presented article that gives us a mere glimpse of the extraordinary body of work he has produced on the subject of race. Plus it's just a pleasure to listen to him, no matter the seriousness of the subject. For someone so accomplished, he always presents himself as a regular person, with a twinkle in his eye because he's obviously enjoying himself and having fun.
I see you're over-joyed with meritorious manumission negroes. The white plantstion owners would reward them with freedom and monuments for being nformants for the white supremacist cause. Saviors? Lol!!!!