So Princeton’s classics department (was it last year or the year before), in a frenzy of atonement, committed intellectual disembowelment, while disclaiming its descendancy from the largesse of John Witherspoon, slave owning friend of George Washington, signer of the Declaration, and 6th president of the college, and jettisoned Greek and Latin, as an undergraduate requirement, as an unnecessary impediment to racial proportionalism. Mors voluntariam.
The Princeton classics department did not actually disembowel itself but opened a vein and, rather than in the Forum, did so in the warm bath of academic atonement, overcome, as it were, by a miasma of anxiety and fear of creeping irrelevancy. Management has moved aggressively to upend the guilty order, to bring in new blood regardless of qualification, to think outside the box of scholastic discipline, to surrender to the sweep of the most contemporary expressions of modernity, to confess the sin of institutional Eurocentricity, with its emphasis on the classic Greek and Roman cultures as the cradle of Western civilization, i.e., as the beginning of the conversation. This last the original sin of Whiteness—an embarrassment of Whiteness: to fall upon the sword of thwarted justice.
One might suppose discomfort in feeling comfort slip away, as down a drafty corridor. They’re rationing the sherry and Time is at the door. Academic specialization, at its worst, the last citadel of scholasticism, has crumbled before the assault of popular fiction by visionaries of the future. The department, with its artifacts of flesh and stone, might appear a reflection on a Grecian ruin. Like the bird that circled spiraling inward until flying up its ass. In the process of inner departmental de-colonization, it may be found that in the end there is nothing of history left but random names, random dates, and random places, unless remade to the narrative of our justifiable demise.
One may ask if the perspective of history is that of victims exploited from time immemorial, or that of successful models replicated in new environs, of an evolving scope of civilization, a manifestation of innovations of technology and social complexity flowing outward, through trade, colonization, and assimilation from centers of concentration. The Greeks believed their ways superior to all others, to a degree of certitude, sufficient to heroic continuity. Plowed stony fields, ventured over rolling main to distant shores to replicate their ways.
Why would the keepers of the flame think anyone would be attracted by lower standards. To save the enterprise, but at what cost. The oath was to the honor of the truth. Students from afar come for thirst of knowledge, and to learn the art of thinking. What would Socrates have thought, in what form might his questions have addressed those thoughts? Does one imagine that one attracted to the classics, such to make their study a keystone of one’s career, might not have attained some working familiarity with Greek or Latin by their junior year at Princeton? Perhaps they might take off a year to read a classic, cruise about the Adriatic, come back and try again.
One may perhaps be forgiven for suspecting that some coming to the department at the post graduate level, or those recruited as radical lights to lead the movement to redefine the department, may come with a deeper agenda, that of its dismantlement as part of the ongoing effort to dismantle Western civilization. How else assuage the guilt of Whiteness, decolonize the world to make it fresh, return it to its innocence. And where better start than with the classics, so blatant in their patriarchal, hero-izing, Eurocentric narrative, so unapologetic of their actions, so guiltless in their triumphs. And do the calls to dismantle elitism not carry a whiff of Bolshevistic fervor, the banners of social justice carried by a new elite, their status justified by intellectual purity in the service of the victim class—the image of that class enshrined in perpetuity. Academics find new vigor as death wish jihadists of the culture wars, embracing “an enduring white responsibility for deconstructing our own privilege and the systematic pervasiveness of white supremacy.”
European civilization arose in form such that form carried all before it. Remade the world beyond that world to suit that form. Ignoring borders is not nice but were oft not clearly marked or sufficiently defended to offset projecting demographics. Subjugating others is not nice. Dying in the gutter is much worse. The din of industry is that of exploitation, moving things and people from one place to another, trade a surplus for a need. How could the sin of cultural success become the same as being White while of a place where people generally were—the coincidence of race and fortune. And that relationship ingrained over millennia to make a culture first suited to the habits of that race, and a race selective of its traits according to the needs of that arrangement. How apologize for good fortune, any more than others might see their loss not to have been the fault of others, per se, but of history’s vagarities. Does anyone remember Darwin? Did they take his statue down? All things are not equal. As the late very great E. O. Wilson put it, “Nature is not fair.” Nature favors the strong, the clever, the fortunate.” More ‘advanced’ societies are better at ‘banking’ innovations, ratcheting up good fortune by more efficient systems of preservation and replication of fortuitous discoveries, including having strong literary traditions. We may honor borders best by acknowledging their current states; do unto others according to our current understanding. Be generous and of open hand. If one is to occupy a country for more than a short time, one should be prepared for absorption. “The Teucrians / Will mingle and be submerged, incorporated. / Rituals and observances of theirs / I’ll add, but make them Latin one in speech.” To acknowledge the miasma of our guilt is not to surrender the ground so dearly won. We too now have ancestors buried there. As someone said, “We stole it fair and square.” I think that’s what Aeneas might have said, and might have added “from those who stole it from those who came before.” History would suggest that people have a right to that which they can hold.
While cultural evolution has profoundly shaped the landscape of moral and political debate, and the physical sciences, including geography, have radically altered our view of the cosmos, the principles, and their dynamic balances, as identified by the ancients, seem relevant to the contemporary observer. We compare and contrast our own times to those of classical antiquity because certain principles of organization and behavior, of human nature, and the dynamics and conflictual relationships between those principles, were early identified by intellectual elites of those times and subsequently formed the basis for consideration of those dynamics even to the present.
An aside: The epigrammatic or parenthetic use of loanwords, especially of Latin phrases, may be seen as erudition signaling to other members of the club, as a putting on of airs; or as a recognition of the pith of words well chosen to make a finer point, said better in the original formulation, or to strengthen one’s argument by association with a long tradition of meaning associated with that special terminology, such that some familiarity with such terms may be necessary to the following of that continuum, lest one be confronted by one’s own pons asinorum. When language dies its culture follows. Soon the trail goes cold. Even now literary works of the first half of the twentieth century become increasingly less accessible due to the loss of common frames of reference. Artifacts of language are a window to the ethos of a fading world. But even threads are helpful. And their sharing bonding of the faith: an affirmation of a literary tradition, of continuation, even as the shadows lengthen, the age of the heroic subsumed by the era of apology. Sense of meaning becomes problematic absent sense of continuation.
History is about what was, rather than of what should have been, and the present of what is. We are free to speculate on what alternatively might have been and thereby inform decisions of the present. Less so to rearrangement of the past.
‘Identity’, in the current usage, has the effect of conceptually reducing all to description in terms of simplified generalities suggestive of broad policy initiatives, irrespective of the fact that no statistically generated model can accurately describe any individual. Indeed, human diversity is such that the model may be very limited in interpretive utility and, at great expense, an impediment to progress. The history of Western Civilization is that of a ratcheting up of the scope of identity, in contrast to its particularity, in the pursuit of inclusivity: the evolvement of political entities conducive of cooperative advantage. There’s a baby in the bathwater. Amplectere excellentia.
When I first saw that title, "The White Privilege of Cows" i thought the Grievance Studies (a.k.a. Sokal Squared) hoaxers were back at it. Then I realized, Nah, not nearly enough opaque, polysyllabic jargon.
I've read most of the comments. I wish there had been a virtual anti-emetic available before reading.
I came of age in the 1960s in the Washington, DC, suburbs. I marched in protest, was pushed back with sticks, water and dogs. I attended sit-ins and suffered spitting and other indignities. Attended a rare integrated church. In college I studied music; the only measure was how well you performed. After college I entered the Army, the least racist institution in the nation. Afterwards I entered management consulting and found joy in helping people improve their lives, jobs and futures by establishing their own companies. About half of my clients were overseas, where skin color didn't matter.
I have few visual skills. I am an auditory thinker, represent information with sound. One day I visited my friend and dentist; he had a bowl set up with a sign for donations to the Society of Black Engineers. I looked at him quizzically, and he began to laugh. "You never knew I was black!.
No, I didn't. It was never relevant.
My wife of 51 years grew up in a racist household. After we wed, we moved to West Berlin, where our best friends were two black couples and one white couple. My wife was cured.
I've concluded something horrible. There is no way we will ever be able to have a society black politics will accept. The current anti-white, nonstop denigration of the West is beyond anything I'm required to tolerate as an American. I grew up a child of the 'civil rights movement' (read as the Marxist coopting of black folks) and believed fervently in being 'color blind' and also recognized my generation had to eat it on affirmative action, as a temporary step to redress past wrongs.
It all failed. None of what the racial hucksters and activists promoted or promised did anything other than aggrandize the activists and give them political power. And I'm done now. I unfortunately find myself more and more sympathetic with racial separatists who just want to live with 'their own'. I'm tired of the endless burden of black folks suffering. My good will and patience and compassion have been worn out.
Of course I'm nothing of the sort. Internet tough guys are funny though. Let's ask you a question: Are you fine with whiteness and Western Civilization being denigrated and insulted and abandoned nonstop? A simple yes or no will suffice...
Bye Felicia. Blacks survived slavery. Blacks survived Jim Crow. Blacks will survive your loss. Blacks don’t wake up waiting for saviors. We have learned to survive not trusting either Liberals or Conservatives.
What you told us is that you were a condescending missionary.
Lol - IT WAS DEMANDED OF ME as a child born in 1962 in this country. It was my generation's responsibility to live up to "MLK's Dream". You display the typical arrogant, vicious attitude that I've had it with. If you don't need saviors, the shut up and get on with your lives, k? Fyi, my people survived far worse than anything 'blacks' ever suffered but you never hear much about it. Honestly, I'm done. As are many other Americans of good will. I get you don't like that - I can't imagine caring less.
I said goodbye you indicting that I was done with you. If others share your sentiments, Bye Felicia to them as well. Your whole worthless lot are unimportant.
I will not shut up. I will continue to express my opinion.
Bwahahah. A nutter and arrogant AF. As for you 'indicting' me, are you a court of law? No, you are just spraying your juvenile, ignorant biases and hatred at me probably due to some kind of psychological disorder at work in you. You are an ignorant lowlife. And I'll comment at your to my heart's content. You are the one who decided to 'sort me out'. Fyi, in real life, you'd be gargling with your teeth if you called me a Nazi...
And f'k Marxism, a white European invention! Karl Marx was financially supported by rich relatives while writing his abstract nonsense. Class issues dilute black issues. People of color is a social construct that distracts from seriously dealing with the benign neglect of blacks with earned benefits.
Hispanics and Asians are technically covered by the first 12 amendments of the Constitution. They weren't codified as 3/5 of a person in the first constitution. Now, they're your buffer groups to water down legitimate black grievances. I'm talking about black capitalism and more autonomy. Not absolute subordination to a false superior race built on sand. Read "Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways of the Old South" by Grady Whiney.
Article 1. Section 2. The "Three-Fifths Clause""Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons." This is the transcript. "free persons" included free black people. Which there were free black people at the time of the enactment of the constitution.... and also black slave owners... I am sure you know this. "other persons" referred to enslaved persons. I do believe that it was a northern abolitionist who wanted enslaved people to equal 0. The reasoning was that counting enslaved people 1 to 1 for representation would mean those States with the greater slave population, and eventually fought to keep the institution of slavery alive, would have more representation in the congress and therefore have more power to make laws, including laws to codify slavery. So, the compromise was that for representative purposes enslaved people would count towards representation as 3 people for every 5.
You're an old, obsolete white man who failed to take advantage of the 400-year-old white affirmative/head start programs. You made very poor decisions and now subsist on social security income or still a corporate slave. Now, you're angry at black folks who are passing you by. Your fragile nervous system has cracked under pressure. Lol!!!!
MLKs dream died with him. He related, "we have integration....but I feel I have led my people into a burning house." He was murdered by a white man after taking it to the next level, "we're coming to get our checks!" And King got more militant in his tone before he died, the part that people want to leave out.
Just think, if the freed slaves were allotted free Indian land with valuable resources like the white immigrants with unearned benefits, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Social integration as I explained before doesn't deposit money into the bank to compound interest. Blacks only own and control 1 to 2% of the wealth in this country, which has not changed since the eve of the American Civil War. Whites have the wealth and power to abuse blacks, as clearly demonstrated not too long ago. Blacks have only been full American citizens with rights about 60 years.
Whites have had affirmative action for the past 400 years. I couldn't care less if you want to join Jared Taylor and his separatist movement. Quid pro quo---reparations with separation along with land and 13% of the military hardware., etc.? Lol!!!!
MLK was a commie from the get go, he just hid it. His closest advisors and friends were hard core commie revolutionaries. He was more open about it later in his speeches but it was always there. Turns out the civil rights movement was never about "the content of one's character" after all. It's about 'get whitey'. Okay, now I'm playing that game too. No longer will I be the patsy for this BS.
Your ignorance is blinding. King felt Communism was incompatible with Christianity. He felt Communism was not going to be beaten by bombs or war, but by using the framework of democracy.
Lol. Why were his two closest advisors hard core commies? One was the Treasurer for the American Communist party. You likely know very little about the real Martin Luther King's politics. His move to the left was much earlier than the phony history about him claims.
There is no practical use for the branch of research dealing with cognitive ability by racial groups except to justify discrimination against a particular group. No one embarks on such research without a preconceived outcome. This particular student dispensed with the useless research and went straight to bare assertions of caucasian superiority as a result of their collective proximity to farm animals. That in itself is pretty damn racist but then for good measure this student then proceeds to justify the strong trampling the weak as "human".
There are many uses and reasons for research on linkage of race and intelligence. We need to work out the key variants of genes between racial groups and the effect that different variations have on cognitive ability. It will allow us to identify and isolate the genes responsible for a large amount of such variance. With such data one might be able to correct clear genetic defects. In the case of normal people one could hope to enhance intelligence. A sort of super adderall pill might be possible. The ways of science are mysterious.
I would also like to point out that Dr. Loury is fighting for academic freedom. A free exchange of ideas is the starting point for progress, and also for fighting vicious ideologies like racism.
Europeans created the social construct of race and left a legend of a color caste system around the world. People were previously separated by the regions they lived in and by religion. The last time I visited Vietnam, I asked the Vietnamese guide why the beautiful beaches were deserted. He said the Vietnamese people didn't like getting dark. While in Mumbai, India, I noticed only dark Indians living on the beach. Lol!
Thank you so much for republishing this. I am a '76 Brown grad, a previously regular donor who has ceased donations pending input that Brown is not acting stupidly vis a vis free speech issues like this. I am not encouraged. I am behind you 100%.
Did you know that the leader of the Russian Mercenary group (WAGNER) started out owning a hotdog stand? Yet, he recently challenged Putin with a serious threat of a coup d'etat. 😂🤣😅
Europeans have killed each other by the multiple millions with endless European wars. And the collateral damage to non-European countries has been devastating.
5 hours from me is a younger uncle who lives in a mansion on 100 acres with a helicopter pad. In one room, there are photos with him and his late wife posing with Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and late George Bush. He's not a black conservative. Despite the obstacles, he worked the system. He sent in a white proxy to purchase the original home, for which the white owners refused to sell him. He then brought in his construction company workers and demolished the old plantation era house. Not only that, he replaced it with a modern home.
There are folks building their own media companies relying on funding mainly fro black viewers. What I see from grifters like Candace Owens is not building independence but crafting posts that will be approved by white Conservatives.
Ask Black youth about Roland Martin and entrepreneurship. Then ask who is Thomas Sowell.
Many of these modern day meritorious manumission Negroes would sell their own mothers to make a buck on anti-blackness (self-hate and self loathing). It's great to see black entrepreneurs like Dr. Boyce Watkins on social media educating black folks, especially the young, about financial literacy.
It is amazing to me that Conservatives trot out Candace Owens and acts like Diamond & Silk as examples of “good” Blacks and seemed surprised when Blacks are offended. They telegraph that they want a minstrel show.
Thomas Sowell could not last for two minutes in an interview with Roland Martin or even Joy Reid. Joy Reid did a master class in how to deal with a Foghorn Leghorn type like Byron Donalds.
I could not find "Columbian Exchange Day" with a google search. If a link to this article still exists please list a link. Troubling to me that Brown's censorship could be so effective and complete.
While Glenn is patting himself on the back, we have nazis running around in Georgia this weekend intimidating Jewish communities. Hate crimes are on the rise.
Certain ideological groups are gasping their last breath and they know it. This is why the "running around," but vacuums must be filled and the CRT crowd is filling the vacuum. As a woman who believes in my right to opportunity and self-determination according to our Constitution, I'm reminded of the comment by Madeline Albright during the HC campaign: "There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” My brain works just fine, thank you, and I don't need to trade one group (men) who want to tell me how to think and vote, to be dictated to by for another group (females in politics). Instead of helping humanity advance, seems like many want to trade some old, fading hate groups (Nazis, KKK) for a new hate group (CRT proselytizers).
Racism is a power relationship. Blacks don't have the wealth or power to do the same things that Whites have systemically done to Blacks. Should the victim be held responsible for the acts of the rapist? Blacks are primarily reactionaries to White racism.
The first constitution was never intended for Blacks. After black men were allowed to vote first after the end of the Civil War, white women were very pissed off, includung Frederick Douglas' white wife. 😂🤣😅
The US Constitution was an incredible advancement in human history in how we govern ourselves, but the founders were still trying to break with thousands of years of human history. The only white men who could vote were those with property. It was not until about 1860 that white men without property became enfranchised in all states, 73 years after ratification. Article 1, section 4 stated "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations."
Sentamentality is like a child distracting you while another one is picking your pockets. The constitution is a remarkable vague and ambiguous document written in secrecy to mal-distribute massive generational wealth and power to whites. Now, we have a conservative SCOTUS primarily looking out for the oligarchy. Apparently, justices are bought and paid for. Lol!
No sentimentality, just the reality of human history. You did not address the fact that the original US Constitution did not guarantee the right to vote for white men. The only "whites" who received massive generational wealth and power were from the few wealthy families and that's only if the patriarchs didn't get into debt. Some don't want to face that we're all just human, with the same infallibility. There's no special skin color or income level required to read to infants or young children. There's no special skin color or income level required to pay attention in class, do homework and study. The hysterical attacks against JD Vance, who did study in spite of the chaos of poverty and drug addiction around him, and with no "generational wealth," displayed the hypocrisy from many on the left.
The majority of white men were able to vote in 1776.
Edit to add
After declaring independence on July 4, 1776, each former English colony wrote a state constitution. About half the states attempted to reform their voting procedures. The trend in these states was to do away with the freehold requirement in favor of granting all taxpaying, free, adult males the right to vote. Since few men escaped paying taxes of some sort, suffrage (the right to vote) expanded in these states. Vermont's constitution went even further in 1777 when it became the first state to grant universal manhood suffrage (i.e., all adult males could vote). Some states also abolished religious tests for voting. It was in New Jersey that an apparently accidental phrase in the new state constitution permitted women to vote in substantial numbers for the first time in American history
I am sure you have some interesting things to say Monty - or at least you obviously THINk you do since you took over almost the entire comments page, but you lost be back at the 8000 sq ft house - i had a feeling i knew what was coming. Sorry, but think i will stay with Glenn's substack. i will say though, that if the amount of information on your substack is anything like the amount here, your subscribers get their money worth
We might be finding amusement in the same things. Byron Donalds and Candace Owns are giving us a morality while excusing a sexual harassing conman who hoarded classified documents and turned a blind eye to his children taking tons of money from foreign governments.
We also hear radio silence when Nimrata says Blacks are lazy. Nimrita’s father worked at an HBCU, Vorhees College, because he could not find employment at a white college. Black students were there trying to gain skills to feed their families. Nimrata saw this and concluded Blacks are lazy.
The beautiful thing about being Black in America is the knowledge that you will survive in spite of whatever white people conceive to steal your joy.
I do see a connection. Dr. Loury is fighting for academic freedom, which is the starting point to cure anti-semitism, racism, and other vicious ideologies.
BTW, I have no problems with academic freedom. A Jew was the last person who called me a nigger because I advocated against his cult leader Donald Trump. And he has 3 Black-Jewish grandchildren. 🤣
Actually, I do see a connection in that Dr. Loury is fighting to preserve academic freedom, which in the long run is the cure for anti-semitism and similar vicious ideologies.
Brilliant scholarship? Lol!!! The Symbolic Betrayal of the Black Race: In his book, “Black Labor White Wealth”, Dr. Claude Anderson relates," the term Uncle Tom is not an appropriate label for an individual who is “white on the inside and black on the outside” and sells out his race by placing his personal gains with whites ahead of the rights and gains of his people. Contrary to popular usage of the label, the character Tom was not the culprit in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom was a brave man with dignity who cared about his family and race. The real villain was another black slave named Sambo. He was totally committed to the white master and used every opportunity to undermine the other slaves.Sambo, in many respects, was like today’s black conservatives. Sambo always followed the white slave master, Simon Legree, and offered to show him how to “tree the coons.” It was black Sambo who beat Uncle to death for both refusing to whip a black female slave or sell out his people. Uncle Tom tried to empower his people by undermining and beating the social structure whenever he could. Uncle Tom felt it was important to get his people across the river to freedom. He risked his life to do so. The Sambo character personifies a very successful social control construct created by conservatives. He was such a successful phenomenon that the concept he personified became a greater danger to blacks than Uncle Tom. As blacks move towards structuring policies of racial accountability, it will be very important for them to know who helps and who hurts the race. Sambo was the black slave character in numerous novels and movies who was willing to pick up a weapon and defend his white master against the approaching Union army or hide the master’s silver from Northern carpetbaggers. What is the difference between the fictional Sambo characters and today’s real-life blacks who join the conservative movement to argue against affirmative action, black reparations, and set-asides? They declare that the world is now color blind and are opposed to any policies requiring whites to share the socioeconomic burden that centuries of slavery and second class citizenship have imposed on blacks. Isn’t espousing a color blind, race-neutral, melting pot society, a moderate way of hiding master’s silver? What are black conservatives conserving when black America is burdened by poverty, crime, unemployment, homelessness, and other social pathologies? Based upon historical treatment alone, there should be a general antagonism between blacks and conservatives. Though conservatives claim that they are not racist, for centuries, they have opposed programs and policies to help blacks. Andrew Hacker, a white writer, provided insight on this in his new book, Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, and Unequal. Hacker asserted that: “There persists the belief that members of the black race represent an inferior strain of the human species…Of course, the belief is seldom voiced in public. Most whites who call themselves conservatives hold this view about blacks and proclaim it when they are sure of their company. Since white conservatives share their true feelings only in the privacy of other whites, there is a strong possibility that black conservatives do not know how white conservatives truly feel about them.”
Most of the convicted child molesters were pathetic white conservatives. I had to save one from being gang raped by the Aryans on the yard.
The worst case I had was a white convict who was convicted of murder and mayhem. He bit the nipples off of his wife's tits after she refused to have sex with him. He also threw their 4-month-old infant daughter against the wall in the bedroom, resulting in her death. They were originally from Alabama.
Read "Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways of the Old South' by McWhiney. Antebellum Southern cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. The culture was very violent, impulsive, and primitive. Debauchery was pervasive as well as castrations during mutual combat (carry over to castrating blacks). The culture had a very negative impact on blacks living in the South
Blacks from the Caribbean, not exposed to Antebellum Southern cracker culture have been more successful in the U.S. than African Americans that transferred pathologies to the North and elsewhere.
I bet Grandpa has quite an assortment of Mason jars containing body parts secreted in his basement. 4,700 black men, women, and children were lynched by savage Christian white men. White women and children stood by in amusement. Some of those children today are politicians.
I live in 2023, too, and a white boy with a Confederate decal on his large pickup truck tried to run me off the road not too long ago without provocation on my part. Fortunately, I didn't have to use my .45 ACP pistol or AR-15 to stop an elevated threat.
Editor's note states that it pertains to "whitesplaining" to Native Americans why they should embrace Columbus Day. No doubt the same line of reasoning why African Americans should be grateful to white colonists for stuffing their ancestors onto slave ships like you stuff underwear into a suitcase to be brought here and sold as farm equipment.
thanks for the effort... but I was looking for the Columbian Exchange in particular as I knew it was purged from the Brown site. Thought it might be somewhere else
Exactly...The Streisand Effect! Economics at work!
Thanks, as always, Glenn. Your willingness to clearly and respectfully speak your mind inspires me to do the same, in a small way, in my corner of the world.
I read the article about the cow. Thank you Professor Loury for challenging the concept of “Systemic Racism”. Institutions need to distinguish between two categories of history-telling; (A): Information stories, (B): Propaganda stories.
In A, one tries to place all relevant information in a bucket and then reports about what is in the bucket. While not perfect and subject to human bias, the intent is to account for all information.
In B, one cherry-picks in each sentence while also hiding some truth from the same sentence. The intent is dishonest and manipulative, with a politicized objective.
Truth in advertising ethic requires that organizations and institutions accurately present themselves to actual and potential participants as telling “information stories” vs. “propaganda stories”. Propaganda stories do not meet requirements for use in municipal, state or federal government.
Hara-kiri in the Forum
So Princeton’s classics department (was it last year or the year before), in a frenzy of atonement, committed intellectual disembowelment, while disclaiming its descendancy from the largesse of John Witherspoon, slave owning friend of George Washington, signer of the Declaration, and 6th president of the college, and jettisoned Greek and Latin, as an undergraduate requirement, as an unnecessary impediment to racial proportionalism. Mors voluntariam.
The Princeton classics department did not actually disembowel itself but opened a vein and, rather than in the Forum, did so in the warm bath of academic atonement, overcome, as it were, by a miasma of anxiety and fear of creeping irrelevancy. Management has moved aggressively to upend the guilty order, to bring in new blood regardless of qualification, to think outside the box of scholastic discipline, to surrender to the sweep of the most contemporary expressions of modernity, to confess the sin of institutional Eurocentricity, with its emphasis on the classic Greek and Roman cultures as the cradle of Western civilization, i.e., as the beginning of the conversation. This last the original sin of Whiteness—an embarrassment of Whiteness: to fall upon the sword of thwarted justice.
One might suppose discomfort in feeling comfort slip away, as down a drafty corridor. They’re rationing the sherry and Time is at the door. Academic specialization, at its worst, the last citadel of scholasticism, has crumbled before the assault of popular fiction by visionaries of the future. The department, with its artifacts of flesh and stone, might appear a reflection on a Grecian ruin. Like the bird that circled spiraling inward until flying up its ass. In the process of inner departmental de-colonization, it may be found that in the end there is nothing of history left but random names, random dates, and random places, unless remade to the narrative of our justifiable demise.
One may ask if the perspective of history is that of victims exploited from time immemorial, or that of successful models replicated in new environs, of an evolving scope of civilization, a manifestation of innovations of technology and social complexity flowing outward, through trade, colonization, and assimilation from centers of concentration. The Greeks believed their ways superior to all others, to a degree of certitude, sufficient to heroic continuity. Plowed stony fields, ventured over rolling main to distant shores to replicate their ways.
Why would the keepers of the flame think anyone would be attracted by lower standards. To save the enterprise, but at what cost. The oath was to the honor of the truth. Students from afar come for thirst of knowledge, and to learn the art of thinking. What would Socrates have thought, in what form might his questions have addressed those thoughts? Does one imagine that one attracted to the classics, such to make their study a keystone of one’s career, might not have attained some working familiarity with Greek or Latin by their junior year at Princeton? Perhaps they might take off a year to read a classic, cruise about the Adriatic, come back and try again.
One may perhaps be forgiven for suspecting that some coming to the department at the post graduate level, or those recruited as radical lights to lead the movement to redefine the department, may come with a deeper agenda, that of its dismantlement as part of the ongoing effort to dismantle Western civilization. How else assuage the guilt of Whiteness, decolonize the world to make it fresh, return it to its innocence. And where better start than with the classics, so blatant in their patriarchal, hero-izing, Eurocentric narrative, so unapologetic of their actions, so guiltless in their triumphs. And do the calls to dismantle elitism not carry a whiff of Bolshevistic fervor, the banners of social justice carried by a new elite, their status justified by intellectual purity in the service of the victim class—the image of that class enshrined in perpetuity. Academics find new vigor as death wish jihadists of the culture wars, embracing “an enduring white responsibility for deconstructing our own privilege and the systematic pervasiveness of white supremacy.”
European civilization arose in form such that form carried all before it. Remade the world beyond that world to suit that form. Ignoring borders is not nice but were oft not clearly marked or sufficiently defended to offset projecting demographics. Subjugating others is not nice. Dying in the gutter is much worse. The din of industry is that of exploitation, moving things and people from one place to another, trade a surplus for a need. How could the sin of cultural success become the same as being White while of a place where people generally were—the coincidence of race and fortune. And that relationship ingrained over millennia to make a culture first suited to the habits of that race, and a race selective of its traits according to the needs of that arrangement. How apologize for good fortune, any more than others might see their loss not to have been the fault of others, per se, but of history’s vagarities. Does anyone remember Darwin? Did they take his statue down? All things are not equal. As the late very great E. O. Wilson put it, “Nature is not fair.” Nature favors the strong, the clever, the fortunate.” More ‘advanced’ societies are better at ‘banking’ innovations, ratcheting up good fortune by more efficient systems of preservation and replication of fortuitous discoveries, including having strong literary traditions. We may honor borders best by acknowledging their current states; do unto others according to our current understanding. Be generous and of open hand. If one is to occupy a country for more than a short time, one should be prepared for absorption. “The Teucrians / Will mingle and be submerged, incorporated. / Rituals and observances of theirs / I’ll add, but make them Latin one in speech.” To acknowledge the miasma of our guilt is not to surrender the ground so dearly won. We too now have ancestors buried there. As someone said, “We stole it fair and square.” I think that’s what Aeneas might have said, and might have added “from those who stole it from those who came before.” History would suggest that people have a right to that which they can hold.
While cultural evolution has profoundly shaped the landscape of moral and political debate, and the physical sciences, including geography, have radically altered our view of the cosmos, the principles, and their dynamic balances, as identified by the ancients, seem relevant to the contemporary observer. We compare and contrast our own times to those of classical antiquity because certain principles of organization and behavior, of human nature, and the dynamics and conflictual relationships between those principles, were early identified by intellectual elites of those times and subsequently formed the basis for consideration of those dynamics even to the present.
An aside: The epigrammatic or parenthetic use of loanwords, especially of Latin phrases, may be seen as erudition signaling to other members of the club, as a putting on of airs; or as a recognition of the pith of words well chosen to make a finer point, said better in the original formulation, or to strengthen one’s argument by association with a long tradition of meaning associated with that special terminology, such that some familiarity with such terms may be necessary to the following of that continuum, lest one be confronted by one’s own pons asinorum. When language dies its culture follows. Soon the trail goes cold. Even now literary works of the first half of the twentieth century become increasingly less accessible due to the loss of common frames of reference. Artifacts of language are a window to the ethos of a fading world. But even threads are helpful. And their sharing bonding of the faith: an affirmation of a literary tradition, of continuation, even as the shadows lengthen, the age of the heroic subsumed by the era of apology. Sense of meaning becomes problematic absent sense of continuation.
History is about what was, rather than of what should have been, and the present of what is. We are free to speculate on what alternatively might have been and thereby inform decisions of the present. Less so to rearrangement of the past.
‘Identity’, in the current usage, has the effect of conceptually reducing all to description in terms of simplified generalities suggestive of broad policy initiatives, irrespective of the fact that no statistically generated model can accurately describe any individual. Indeed, human diversity is such that the model may be very limited in interpretive utility and, at great expense, an impediment to progress. The history of Western Civilization is that of a ratcheting up of the scope of identity, in contrast to its particularity, in the pursuit of inclusivity: the evolvement of political entities conducive of cooperative advantage. There’s a baby in the bathwater. Amplectere excellentia.
When I first saw that title, "The White Privilege of Cows" i thought the Grievance Studies (a.k.a. Sokal Squared) hoaxers were back at it. Then I realized, Nah, not nearly enough opaque, polysyllabic jargon.
Thank you, Glenn!
Dr. Loury,
I've read most of the comments. I wish there had been a virtual anti-emetic available before reading.
I came of age in the 1960s in the Washington, DC, suburbs. I marched in protest, was pushed back with sticks, water and dogs. I attended sit-ins and suffered spitting and other indignities. Attended a rare integrated church. In college I studied music; the only measure was how well you performed. After college I entered the Army, the least racist institution in the nation. Afterwards I entered management consulting and found joy in helping people improve their lives, jobs and futures by establishing their own companies. About half of my clients were overseas, where skin color didn't matter.
I have few visual skills. I am an auditory thinker, represent information with sound. One day I visited my friend and dentist; he had a bowl set up with a sign for donations to the Society of Black Engineers. I looked at him quizzically, and he began to laugh. "You never knew I was black!.
No, I didn't. It was never relevant.
My wife of 51 years grew up in a racist household. After we wed, we moved to West Berlin, where our best friends were two black couples and one white couple. My wife was cured.
I've concluded something horrible. There is no way we will ever be able to have a society black politics will accept. The current anti-white, nonstop denigration of the West is beyond anything I'm required to tolerate as an American. I grew up a child of the 'civil rights movement' (read as the Marxist coopting of black folks) and believed fervently in being 'color blind' and also recognized my generation had to eat it on affirmative action, as a temporary step to redress past wrongs.
It all failed. None of what the racial hucksters and activists promoted or promised did anything other than aggrandize the activists and give them political power. And I'm done now. I unfortunately find myself more and more sympathetic with racial separatists who just want to live with 'their own'. I'm tired of the endless burden of black folks suffering. My good will and patience and compassion have been worn out.
Who do you think you are bullshitting? Take ownership of what you are and always were and always will be. Nazi bitch.
Of course I'm nothing of the sort. Internet tough guys are funny though. Let's ask you a question: Are you fine with whiteness and Western Civilization being denigrated and insulted and abandoned nonstop? A simple yes or no will suffice...
Only in your delusions.
Bye Felicia. Blacks survived slavery. Blacks survived Jim Crow. Blacks will survive your loss. Blacks don’t wake up waiting for saviors. We have learned to survive not trusting either Liberals or Conservatives.
What you told us is that you were a condescending missionary.
Lol - IT WAS DEMANDED OF ME as a child born in 1962 in this country. It was my generation's responsibility to live up to "MLK's Dream". You display the typical arrogant, vicious attitude that I've had it with. If you don't need saviors, the shut up and get on with your lives, k? Fyi, my people survived far worse than anything 'blacks' ever suffered but you never hear much about it. Honestly, I'm done. As are many other Americans of good will. I get you don't like that - I can't imagine caring less.
I said goodbye you indicting that I was done with you. If others share your sentiments, Bye Felicia to them as well. Your whole worthless lot are unimportant.
I will not shut up. I will continue to express my opinion.
Bwahahah. A nutter and arrogant AF. As for you 'indicting' me, are you a court of law? No, you are just spraying your juvenile, ignorant biases and hatred at me probably due to some kind of psychological disorder at work in you. You are an ignorant lowlife. And I'll comment at your to my heart's content. You are the one who decided to 'sort me out'. Fyi, in real life, you'd be gargling with your teeth if you called me a Nazi...
Should read indicating rather than indicting
Obviously you can comment as frequently as you like.
Who's the internet tough guy now. You like being a Nazi. You don't like being called a Nazi. You are a Nazi. Take ownership of it Nazi pussy.
I’m laughing. Does he really think he is being intimidating?
And f'k Marxism, a white European invention! Karl Marx was financially supported by rich relatives while writing his abstract nonsense. Class issues dilute black issues. People of color is a social construct that distracts from seriously dealing with the benign neglect of blacks with earned benefits.
Hispanics and Asians are technically covered by the first 12 amendments of the Constitution. They weren't codified as 3/5 of a person in the first constitution. Now, they're your buffer groups to water down legitimate black grievances. I'm talking about black capitalism and more autonomy. Not absolute subordination to a false superior race built on sand. Read "Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways of the Old South" by Grady Whiney.
Article 1. Section 2. The "Three-Fifths Clause""Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons." This is the transcript. "free persons" included free black people. Which there were free black people at the time of the enactment of the constitution.... and also black slave owners... I am sure you know this. "other persons" referred to enslaved persons. I do believe that it was a northern abolitionist who wanted enslaved people to equal 0. The reasoning was that counting enslaved people 1 to 1 for representation would mean those States with the greater slave population, and eventually fought to keep the institution of slavery alive, would have more representation in the congress and therefore have more power to make laws, including laws to codify slavery. So, the compromise was that for representative purposes enslaved people would count towards representation as 3 people for every 5.
What a pile of nonsensical hyperbole. This is the kind of identity based political gibberish I'm seeking to escape.
You're an old, obsolete white man who failed to take advantage of the 400-year-old white affirmative/head start programs. You made very poor decisions and now subsist on social security income or still a corporate slave. Now, you're angry at black folks who are passing you by. Your fragile nervous system has cracked under pressure. Lol!!!!
MLKs dream died with him. He related, "we have integration....but I feel I have led my people into a burning house." He was murdered by a white man after taking it to the next level, "we're coming to get our checks!" And King got more militant in his tone before he died, the part that people want to leave out.
Just think, if the freed slaves were allotted free Indian land with valuable resources like the white immigrants with unearned benefits, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Social integration as I explained before doesn't deposit money into the bank to compound interest. Blacks only own and control 1 to 2% of the wealth in this country, which has not changed since the eve of the American Civil War. Whites have the wealth and power to abuse blacks, as clearly demonstrated not too long ago. Blacks have only been full American citizens with rights about 60 years.
Whites have had affirmative action for the past 400 years. I couldn't care less if you want to join Jared Taylor and his separatist movement. Quid pro quo---reparations with separation along with land and 13% of the military hardware., etc.? Lol!!!!
MLK was a commie from the get go, he just hid it. His closest advisors and friends were hard core commie revolutionaries. He was more open about it later in his speeches but it was always there. Turns out the civil rights movement was never about "the content of one's character" after all. It's about 'get whitey'. Okay, now I'm playing that game too. No longer will I be the patsy for this BS.
Your ignorance is blinding. King felt Communism was incompatible with Christianity. He felt Communism was not going to be beaten by bombs or war, but by using the framework of democracy.
Lol. Why were his two closest advisors hard core commies? One was the Treasurer for the American Communist party. You likely know very little about the real Martin Luther King's politics. His move to the left was much earlier than the phony history about him claims.
There is no practical use for the branch of research dealing with cognitive ability by racial groups except to justify discrimination against a particular group. No one embarks on such research without a preconceived outcome. This particular student dispensed with the useless research and went straight to bare assertions of caucasian superiority as a result of their collective proximity to farm animals. That in itself is pretty damn racist but then for good measure this student then proceeds to justify the strong trampling the weak as "human".
There are many uses and reasons for research on linkage of race and intelligence. We need to work out the key variants of genes between racial groups and the effect that different variations have on cognitive ability. It will allow us to identify and isolate the genes responsible for a large amount of such variance. With such data one might be able to correct clear genetic defects. In the case of normal people one could hope to enhance intelligence. A sort of super adderall pill might be possible. The ways of science are mysterious.
Genetic defects like being black you think?
I believe your screen name is quite appropriate.
I believe you are a stupid Nazi bitch
Tell us how you really feel.
Harvard students protested stinky butter in 1766. Harvard students rioted in 1818 because of dining conditions.
The university professors of the time were outraged.
I would also like to point out that Dr. Loury is fighting for academic freedom. A free exchange of ideas is the starting point for progress, and also for fighting vicious ideologies like racism.
Europeans created the social construct of race and left a legend of a color caste system around the world. People were previously separated by the regions they lived in and by religion. The last time I visited Vietnam, I asked the Vietnamese guide why the beautiful beaches were deserted. He said the Vietnamese people didn't like getting dark. While in Mumbai, India, I noticed only dark Indians living on the beach. Lol!
Thank you so much for republishing this. I am a '76 Brown grad, a previously regular donor who has ceased donations pending input that Brown is not acting stupidly vis a vis free speech issues like this. I am not encouraged. I am behind you 100%.
I live in a low-crime area in an 8,000-square-foot home. Lol!
They think we are all in poverty-stricken areas. They assure themselves that they are more educated and wealthier. It is amusing
Did you know that the leader of the Russian Mercenary group (WAGNER) started out owning a hotdog stand? Yet, he recently challenged Putin with a serious threat of a coup d'etat. 😂🤣😅
White on white violence
Europeans have killed each other by the multiple millions with endless European wars. And the collateral damage to non-European countries has been devastating.
Both Russia and Ukraine tried to force African students to fight for their respective European nations.
5 hours from me is a younger uncle who lives in a mansion on 100 acres with a helicopter pad. In one room, there are photos with him and his late wife posing with Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and late George Bush. He's not a black conservative. Despite the obstacles, he worked the system. He sent in a white proxy to purchase the original home, for which the white owners refused to sell him. He then brought in his construction company workers and demolished the old plantation era house. Not only that, he replaced it with a modern home.
There are folks building their own media companies relying on funding mainly fro black viewers. What I see from grifters like Candace Owens is not building independence but crafting posts that will be approved by white Conservatives.
Ask Black youth about Roland Martin and entrepreneurship. Then ask who is Thomas Sowell.
Larry Elder is running for President!
Many of these modern day meritorious manumission Negroes would sell their own mothers to make a buck on anti-blackness (self-hate and self loathing). It's great to see black entrepreneurs like Dr. Boyce Watkins on social media educating black folks, especially the young, about financial literacy.
Roland has a finances show on his network.
It is amazing to me that Conservatives trot out Candace Owens and acts like Diamond & Silk as examples of “good” Blacks and seemed surprised when Blacks are offended. They telegraph that they want a minstrel show.
Thomas Sowell could not last for two minutes in an interview with Roland Martin or even Joy Reid. Joy Reid did a master class in how to deal with a Foghorn Leghorn type like Byron Donalds.
Well said, Dr. Loury!
I could not find "Columbian Exchange Day" with a google search. If a link to this article still exists please list a link. Troubling to me that Brown's censorship could be so effective and complete.
Yes, I support anyone's effort to publish the original essay. I would like to read the original.
Seems the internet " Wayback Machine" can be censored.
Amen Glenn you've said all there is to say!
While Glenn is patting himself on the back, we have nazis running around in Georgia this weekend intimidating Jewish communities. Hate crimes are on the rise.
Certain ideological groups are gasping their last breath and they know it. This is why the "running around," but vacuums must be filled and the CRT crowd is filling the vacuum. As a woman who believes in my right to opportunity and self-determination according to our Constitution, I'm reminded of the comment by Madeline Albright during the HC campaign: "There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” My brain works just fine, thank you, and I don't need to trade one group (men) who want to tell me how to think and vote, to be dictated to by for another group (females in politics). Instead of helping humanity advance, seems like many want to trade some old, fading hate groups (Nazis, KKK) for a new hate group (CRT proselytizers).
[White feminism] is dysfunctional for the Black family.
Racism is a power relationship. Blacks don't have the wealth or power to do the same things that Whites have systemically done to Blacks. Should the victim be held responsible for the acts of the rapist? Blacks are primarily reactionaries to White racism.
The first constitution was never intended for Blacks. After black men were allowed to vote first after the end of the Civil War, white women were very pissed off, includung Frederick Douglas' white wife. 😂🤣😅
The US Constitution was an incredible advancement in human history in how we govern ourselves, but the founders were still trying to break with thousands of years of human history. The only white men who could vote were those with property. It was not until about 1860 that white men without property became enfranchised in all states, 73 years after ratification. Article 1, section 4 stated "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations."
Sentamentality is like a child distracting you while another one is picking your pockets. The constitution is a remarkable vague and ambiguous document written in secrecy to mal-distribute massive generational wealth and power to whites. Now, we have a conservative SCOTUS primarily looking out for the oligarchy. Apparently, justices are bought and paid for. Lol!
No sentimentality, just the reality of human history. You did not address the fact that the original US Constitution did not guarantee the right to vote for white men. The only "whites" who received massive generational wealth and power were from the few wealthy families and that's only if the patriarchs didn't get into debt. Some don't want to face that we're all just human, with the same infallibility. There's no special skin color or income level required to read to infants or young children. There's no special skin color or income level required to pay attention in class, do homework and study. The hysterical attacks against JD Vance, who did study in spite of the chaos of poverty and drug addiction around him, and with no "generational wealth," displayed the hypocrisy from many on the left.
The majority of white men were able to vote in 1776.
Edit to add
After declaring independence on July 4, 1776, each former English colony wrote a state constitution. About half the states attempted to reform their voting procedures. The trend in these states was to do away with the freehold requirement in favor of granting all taxpaying, free, adult males the right to vote. Since few men escaped paying taxes of some sort, suffrage (the right to vote) expanded in these states. Vermont's constitution went even further in 1777 when it became the first state to grant universal manhood suffrage (i.e., all adult males could vote). Some states also abolished religious tests for voting. It was in New Jersey that an apparently accidental phrase in the new state constitution permitted women to vote in substantial numbers for the first time in American history
I am sure you have some interesting things to say Monty - or at least you obviously THINk you do since you took over almost the entire comments page, but you lost be back at the 8000 sq ft house - i had a feeling i knew what was coming. Sorry, but think i will stay with Glenn's substack. i will say though, that if the amount of information on your substack is anything like the amount here, your subscribers get their money worth
Tyler Perry and the other independent Black billionaires have more substance without academic excellence (without abstract academic theories). Lol!!!!
We might be finding amusement in the same things. Byron Donalds and Candace Owns are giving us a morality while excusing a sexual harassing conman who hoarded classified documents and turned a blind eye to his children taking tons of money from foreign governments.
We also hear radio silence when Nimrata says Blacks are lazy. Nimrita’s father worked at an HBCU, Vorhees College, because he could not find employment at a white college. Black students were there trying to gain skills to feed their families. Nimrata saw this and concluded Blacks are lazy.
The beautiful thing about being Black in America is the knowledge that you will survive in spite of whatever white people conceive to steal your joy.
I certainly will not allow them to steal my joy or sanity.
That drives them crazy
You're missing half of that already.
I bet you have one half of a real Johnson. It must be very frustrating for your woman (maybe your man). 😂🤣😅
There is no connection between Dr. Loury’s brilliant scholarship and nazis in GA, so why put them in the same sentence?
How's the connection now? 😂🤣😅
I do see a connection. Dr. Loury is fighting for academic freedom, which is the starting point to cure anti-semitism, racism, and other vicious ideologies.
BTW, I have no problems with academic freedom. A Jew was the last person who called me a nigger because I advocated against his cult leader Donald Trump. And he has 3 Black-Jewish grandchildren. 🤣
Actually, I do see a connection in that Dr. Loury is fighting to preserve academic freedom, which in the long run is the cure for anti-semitism and similar vicious ideologies.
Brilliant scholarship? Lol!!! The Symbolic Betrayal of the Black Race: In his book, “Black Labor White Wealth”, Dr. Claude Anderson relates," the term Uncle Tom is not an appropriate label for an individual who is “white on the inside and black on the outside” and sells out his race by placing his personal gains with whites ahead of the rights and gains of his people. Contrary to popular usage of the label, the character Tom was not the culprit in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom was a brave man with dignity who cared about his family and race. The real villain was another black slave named Sambo. He was totally committed to the white master and used every opportunity to undermine the other slaves.Sambo, in many respects, was like today’s black conservatives. Sambo always followed the white slave master, Simon Legree, and offered to show him how to “tree the coons.” It was black Sambo who beat Uncle to death for both refusing to whip a black female slave or sell out his people. Uncle Tom tried to empower his people by undermining and beating the social structure whenever he could. Uncle Tom felt it was important to get his people across the river to freedom. He risked his life to do so. The Sambo character personifies a very successful social control construct created by conservatives. He was such a successful phenomenon that the concept he personified became a greater danger to blacks than Uncle Tom. As blacks move towards structuring policies of racial accountability, it will be very important for them to know who helps and who hurts the race. Sambo was the black slave character in numerous novels and movies who was willing to pick up a weapon and defend his white master against the approaching Union army or hide the master’s silver from Northern carpetbaggers. What is the difference between the fictional Sambo characters and today’s real-life blacks who join the conservative movement to argue against affirmative action, black reparations, and set-asides? They declare that the world is now color blind and are opposed to any policies requiring whites to share the socioeconomic burden that centuries of slavery and second class citizenship have imposed on blacks. Isn’t espousing a color blind, race-neutral, melting pot society, a moderate way of hiding master’s silver? What are black conservatives conserving when black America is burdened by poverty, crime, unemployment, homelessness, and other social pathologies? Based upon historical treatment alone, there should be a general antagonism between blacks and conservatives. Though conservatives claim that they are not racist, for centuries, they have opposed programs and policies to help blacks. Andrew Hacker, a white writer, provided insight on this in his new book, Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, and Unequal. Hacker asserted that: “There persists the belief that members of the black race represent an inferior strain of the human species…Of course, the belief is seldom voiced in public. Most whites who call themselves conservatives hold this view about blacks and proclaim it when they are sure of their company. Since white conservatives share their true feelings only in the privacy of other whites, there is a strong possibility that black conservatives do not know how white conservatives truly feel about them.”
He will go all in on Liberals but only offers mild pushbacks on the Conservative assault on voting rights and attempts to overthrow the government.
Atlanta has been dangerous for many years.
You should make yourself more clear (on code?). Who's causing the increase in Atlanta being dangerous?
I’m sorry to hear. Does California imprison child molesters any more? I thought the Liberals are now referring to them as “minor attracted persons?”
Most of the convicted child molesters were pathetic white conservatives. I had to save one from being gang raped by the Aryans on the yard.
The worst case I had was a white convict who was convicted of murder and mayhem. He bit the nipples off of his wife's tits after she refused to have sex with him. He also threw their 4-month-old infant daughter against the wall in the bedroom, resulting in her death. They were originally from Alabama.
Read "Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways of the Old South' by McWhiney. Antebellum Southern cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. The culture was very violent, impulsive, and primitive. Debauchery was pervasive as well as castrations during mutual combat (carry over to castrating blacks). The culture had a very negative impact on blacks living in the South
Blacks from the Caribbean, not exposed to Antebellum Southern cracker culture have been more successful in the U.S. than African Americans that transferred pathologies to the North and elsewhere.
They love them some Thomas Sowell but skip over the part where he suggests Blacks learned laziness from whites.
Blacks are lazy, but Black owned businesses grew by 25% under Clinton and Black unemployment is at historic lows under Biden.
The statistics don’t lie.
The percentage of white child molesters in my predominantly white neighborhood represents sbout the same % on my old prison caseload in California.
I bet Grandpa has quite an assortment of Mason jars containing body parts secreted in his basement. 4,700 black men, women, and children were lynched by savage Christian white men. White women and children stood by in amusement. Some of those children today are politicians.
I live in year 2023. Maybe you should try it. Have a great rest of your day Monty.
I live in 2023, too, and a white boy with a Confederate decal on his large pickup truck tried to run me off the road not too long ago without provocation on my part. Fortunately, I didn't have to use my .45 ACP pistol or AR-15 to stop an elevated threat.
so... now I want to read the article that they removed to see how racist it was... Anyone have a link?
Editor's note states that it pertains to "whitesplaining" to Native Americans why they should embrace Columbus Day. No doubt the same line of reasoning why African Americans should be grateful to white colonists for stuffing their ancestors onto slave ships like you stuff underwear into a suitcase to be brought here and sold as farm equipment.
Here's a link to The White Privilige of Cows
Here's a link to her articles for The Brown Daily Herald. Columbian Exchange Day seems to have been purged.
thanks for the effort... but I was looking for the Columbian Exchange in particular as I knew it was purged from the Brown site. Thought it might be somewhere else
Google it- there' a copy- a photo of the article. It's kind of old, yellowed paper but legible.
Exactly...The Streisand Effect! Economics at work!
Thanks, as always, Glenn. Your willingness to clearly and respectfully speak your mind inspires me to do the same, in a small way, in my corner of the world.
I read the article about the cow. Thank you Professor Loury for challenging the concept of “Systemic Racism”. Institutions need to distinguish between two categories of history-telling; (A): Information stories, (B): Propaganda stories.
In A, one tries to place all relevant information in a bucket and then reports about what is in the bucket. While not perfect and subject to human bias, the intent is to account for all information.
In B, one cherry-picks in each sentence while also hiding some truth from the same sentence. The intent is dishonest and manipulative, with a politicized objective.
Truth in advertising ethic requires that organizations and institutions accurately present themselves to actual and potential participants as telling “information stories” vs. “propaganda stories”. Propaganda stories do not meet requirements for use in municipal, state or federal government.