You're an old, obsolete white man who failed to take advantage of the 400-year-old white affirmative/head start programs. You made very poor decisions and now subsist on social security income or still a corporate slave. Now, you're angry at black folks who are passing you by. Your fragile nervous system has cracked under pressure. Lol!!!!
You're an old, obsolete white man who failed to take advantage of the 400-year-old white affirmative/head start programs. You made very poor decisions and now subsist on social security income or still a corporate slave. Now, you're angry at black folks who are passing you by. Your fragile nervous system has cracked under pressure. Lol!!!!
You're an old, obsolete white man who failed to take advantage of the 400-year-old white affirmative/head start programs. You made very poor decisions and now subsist on social security income or still a corporate slave. Now, you're angry at black folks who are passing you by. Your fragile nervous system has cracked under pressure. Lol!!!!