Your ignorance is blinding. King felt Communism was incompatible with Christianity. He felt Communism was not going to be beaten by bombs or war, but by using the framework of democracy.
Your ignorance is blinding. King felt Communism was incompatible with Christianity. He felt Communism was not going to be beaten by bombs or war, but by using the framework of democracy.
Lol. Why were his two closest advisors hard core commies? One was the Treasurer for the American Communist party. You likely know very little about the real Martin Luther King's politics. His move to the left was much earlier than the phony history about him claims.
Do you even know who Levison is? His other closest advisor was a revolutionary communist. Are you suggesting it's a coincidence that MLK surrounded himself with commie, Soviet sympathizers? Was he too busy with his dozens of floozies to notice, is that your theory? Or was he too busy plagiarizing speeches?
How about you and I have a face to face meeting? Expenses or time are no problems for me. Do you have the balls beyond the safety of your keyboard? Lol!!!!
For what purpose? To fight? Lol. Grow up, you loon. I get it, you can't win the argument so you go to violence. Fyi, I'm not a bit scared. I know BJJ, carry a knife, pepper spray and a 9mm. Come try me, any time if that's your wish. Just make sure your health/life insurance is up to date.
I have never advocated violence here. Your grossly fiendish white supremacist mindset is playing tricks on you. Remember, I used to rescue wannabe PROUD BOYS like you from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang assaults. You should commend me. Becky is sitting here laughing at you. She related that you remind her of her very inadequate ex-husband, always compensating for his small manhood with knives and guns--- pretending to be something he's not. She also related that you would an interesting subject for a DMS-5 evaluation. You're quite entertaining. It's a very beautiful day at the beach.ЁЯШВЁЯдгЁЯШЕ
BTW, Felicia, I had drinks and dinner with a white supremacist prick (Neil Derry) about 5 years ago at his desperate request. I tore his ass up on a social media site. We grew up in the same town. He was a failed San Bernardino County Board Supervisor member that was prosecuted by a Hispanic prosecutor, Ramos, for felony charges (campaign money). He was convicted for misdemeanor charges and eventually had the charges expunged by a Republican judge per him. During his rein as a San Bernardino Councilman, he hired a neo-Nazi, Joseph Turner, as his PR man. Neil Derry had a 'hard on' for undocumented immigrants.
Imagine Donald Trump, your illustrious leader, on his knees staring that BBC in his face after being sentenced to federal and state prisons? Good old fashion prison behavior modification/cognitive behavior therapy is a motherf*cker. Lol!!!!
These are your fantasies, not mine. Why are you so obsessed with talking about black cocks? Do you think it bothers me or intimidates me somehow? I've been running circles around lowlife losers like you for my entire life, Monty. You are light work intellectually and every other way for a man like me. Move long, troll, nobody is impressed with you.
You got to take a serious break from reading Adolf Hitlers' Mein Kampf. Confronting dumb neo-Nazis gives me an adrenalin rush. During my 34 years working in the prison industrial complex, my officers rescued a number of wannabe proud boys from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape (100 sutures and bed rest on the stomach). Crips and bloods usually got sloppy seconds and another punk on the bunk. Your boy, Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, is now the new prison soap keeper. They're tearing that ass up. There is always room for one more. Lol!!!
Of course accurately stating well established facts about MLK has nothing to do with being a Nazi. My initial comment was about the failure of affirmative action and many other efforts in our society to bring about racial harmony. They have failed. Things are getting worse not better. And I've had it. I'm not playing ball with black cry-bullies nor am I pretending there aren't some incredibly effed up things going on in the 'black community' whatever that even is.Clean up your side of the street. White people with self-respect and good will have had it with this BS racial politics we've been saddled with. And you can be as absurd as you want in these comments, it reflects poorly on you, not me.
Last, of course you were a CO, the lowest form of life on earth. Your stories about Aryan Brotherhood and Crips etc reveal your racism, not mine. But that seems about the social level you are comfortable with, so please, have at it.
Glenn, you're a broke ass and frustrated white dude who has failed in reaching his goals. You're very misinformed and envious. I retired 17 years ago at the age of 55, supervising/managing counselors. I have college degrees. I carefully invested and planned for my retirement. My spouse, Dr.____, is a retired School District Superintendent. She's remarkable, having started college at the age of 16.
During her early career working as an administrator for a city, she caught whites cheating on an exam for firefighter. She then had a new exam put together. I have caught many white employees cheating during my career. I'm very familiar with the game.
My black neighbors are very successful. There's no crime here. Perhaps, if you had really succeeded, you would be living in a crime free environment. ЁЯШЙ
I'm enjoying life, having traveled the world extensively. Next trip is Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, etc.
While on a luxury cruise in the Indian Ocean some years ago, my wife and I were enjoying a nice quiet meal on the deck, when a crazy old white dude approached our table and sat down without our consent. There were plenty of vacant tables. He began banging his fists on the table and complaining about how Obama had been divisive. He then vehemently related how whites were going to take away the Civil Rights of African Americans after Romney was elected President.
Your ignorance is blinding. King felt Communism was incompatible with Christianity. He felt Communism was not going to be beaten by bombs or war, but by using the framework of democracy.
Lol. Why were his two closest advisors hard core commies? One was the Treasurer for the American Communist party. You likely know very little about the real Martin Luther King's politics. His move to the left was much earlier than the phony history about him claims.
Have a nice day
Do you even know who Levison is? His other closest advisor was a revolutionary communist. Are you suggesting it's a coincidence that MLK surrounded himself with commie, Soviet sympathizers? Was he too busy with his dozens of floozies to notice, is that your theory? Or was he too busy plagiarizing speeches?
How about you and I have a face to face meeting? Expenses or time are no problems for me. Do you have the balls beyond the safety of your keyboard? Lol!!!!
For what purpose? To fight? Lol. Grow up, you loon. I get it, you can't win the argument so you go to violence. Fyi, I'm not a bit scared. I know BJJ, carry a knife, pepper spray and a 9mm. Come try me, any time if that's your wish. Just make sure your health/life insurance is up to date.
I have never advocated violence here. Your grossly fiendish white supremacist mindset is playing tricks on you. Remember, I used to rescue wannabe PROUD BOYS like you from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang assaults. You should commend me. Becky is sitting here laughing at you. She related that you remind her of her very inadequate ex-husband, always compensating for his small manhood with knives and guns--- pretending to be something he's not. She also related that you would an interesting subject for a DMS-5 evaluation. You're quite entertaining. It's a very beautiful day at the beach.ЁЯШВЁЯдгЁЯШЕ
BTW, Felicia, I had drinks and dinner with a white supremacist prick (Neil Derry) about 5 years ago at his desperate request. I tore his ass up on a social media site. We grew up in the same town. He was a failed San Bernardino County Board Supervisor member that was prosecuted by a Hispanic prosecutor, Ramos, for felony charges (campaign money). He was convicted for misdemeanor charges and eventually had the charges expunged by a Republican judge per him. During his rein as a San Bernardino Councilman, he hired a neo-Nazi, Joseph Turner, as his PR man. Neil Derry had a 'hard on' for undocumented immigrants.
Wow, sooooo impressive. Wtf does that have to do with MLK's love of Marxism, rampant womanizing and plagiarism?
Imagine Donald Trump, your illustrious leader, on his knees staring that BBC in his face after being sentenced to federal and state prisons? Good old fashion prison behavior modification/cognitive behavior therapy is a motherf*cker. Lol!!!!
These are your fantasies, not mine. Why are you so obsessed with talking about black cocks? Do you think it bothers me or intimidates me somehow? I've been running circles around lowlife losers like you for my entire life, Monty. You are light work intellectually and every other way for a man like me. Move long, troll, nobody is impressed with you.
You got to take a serious break from reading Adolf Hitlers' Mein Kampf. Confronting dumb neo-Nazis gives me an adrenalin rush. During my 34 years working in the prison industrial complex, my officers rescued a number of wannabe proud boys from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape (100 sutures and bed rest on the stomach). Crips and bloods usually got sloppy seconds and another punk on the bunk. Your boy, Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, is now the new prison soap keeper. They're tearing that ass up. There is always room for one more. Lol!!!
Of course accurately stating well established facts about MLK has nothing to do with being a Nazi. My initial comment was about the failure of affirmative action and many other efforts in our society to bring about racial harmony. They have failed. Things are getting worse not better. And I've had it. I'm not playing ball with black cry-bullies nor am I pretending there aren't some incredibly effed up things going on in the 'black community' whatever that even is.Clean up your side of the street. White people with self-respect and good will have had it with this BS racial politics we've been saddled with. And you can be as absurd as you want in these comments, it reflects poorly on you, not me.
Last, of course you were a CO, the lowest form of life on earth. Your stories about Aryan Brotherhood and Crips etc reveal your racism, not mine. But that seems about the social level you are comfortable with, so please, have at it.
Hard facts?
Monty- Thanks for the link. It's very interesting!
You're welcomed.
Glenn, you're a broke ass and frustrated white dude who has failed in reaching his goals. You're very misinformed and envious. I retired 17 years ago at the age of 55, supervising/managing counselors. I have college degrees. I carefully invested and planned for my retirement. My spouse, Dr.____, is a retired School District Superintendent. She's remarkable, having started college at the age of 16.
During her early career working as an administrator for a city, she caught whites cheating on an exam for firefighter. She then had a new exam put together. I have caught many white employees cheating during my career. I'm very familiar with the game.
My black neighbors are very successful. There's no crime here. Perhaps, if you had really succeeded, you would be living in a crime free environment. ЁЯШЙ
I'm enjoying life, having traveled the world extensively. Next trip is Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, etc.
While on a luxury cruise in the Indian Ocean some years ago, my wife and I were enjoying a nice quiet meal on the deck, when a crazy old white dude approached our table and sat down without our consent. There were plenty of vacant tables. He began banging his fists on the table and complaining about how Obama had been divisive. He then vehemently related how whites were going to take away the Civil Rights of African Americans after Romney was elected President.
Your arguments are worthless to me.