While Glenn is patting himself on the back, we have nazis running around in Georgia this weekend intimidating Jewish communities. Hate crimes are on the rise.
While Glenn is patting himself on the back, we have nazis running around in Georgia this weekend intimidating Jewish communities. Hate crimes are on the rise.
Certain ideological groups are gasping their last breath and they know it. This is why the "running around," but vacuums must be filled and the CRT crowd is filling the vacuum. As a woman who believes in my right to opportunity and self-determination according to our Constitution, I'm reminded of the comment by Madeline Albright during the HC campaign: "There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” My brain works just fine, thank you, and I don't need to trade one group (men) who want to tell me how to think and vote, to be dictated to by for another group (females in politics). Instead of helping humanity advance, seems like many want to trade some old, fading hate groups (Nazis, KKK) for a new hate group (CRT proselytizers).
Racism is a power relationship. Blacks don't have the wealth or power to do the same things that Whites have systemically done to Blacks. Should the victim be held responsible for the acts of the rapist? Blacks are primarily reactionaries to White racism.
The first constitution was never intended for Blacks. After black men were allowed to vote first after the end of the Civil War, white women were very pissed off, includung Frederick Douglas' white wife. 😂🤣😅
The US Constitution was an incredible advancement in human history in how we govern ourselves, but the founders were still trying to break with thousands of years of human history. The only white men who could vote were those with property. It was not until about 1860 that white men without property became enfranchised in all states, 73 years after ratification. Article 1, section 4 stated "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations."
Sentamentality is like a child distracting you while another one is picking your pockets. The constitution is a remarkable vague and ambiguous document written in secrecy to mal-distribute massive generational wealth and power to whites. Now, we have a conservative SCOTUS primarily looking out for the oligarchy. Apparently, justices are bought and paid for. Lol!
No sentimentality, just the reality of human history. You did not address the fact that the original US Constitution did not guarantee the right to vote for white men. The only "whites" who received massive generational wealth and power were from the few wealthy families and that's only if the patriarchs didn't get into debt. Some don't want to face that we're all just human, with the same infallibility. There's no special skin color or income level required to read to infants or young children. There's no special skin color or income level required to pay attention in class, do homework and study. The hysterical attacks against JD Vance, who did study in spite of the chaos of poverty and drug addiction around him, and with no "generational wealth," displayed the hypocrisy from many on the left.
The majority of white men were able to vote in 1776.
Edit to add
After declaring independence on July 4, 1776, each former English colony wrote a state constitution. About half the states attempted to reform their voting procedures. The trend in these states was to do away with the freehold requirement in favor of granting all taxpaying, free, adult males the right to vote. Since few men escaped paying taxes of some sort, suffrage (the right to vote) expanded in these states. Vermont's constitution went even further in 1777 when it became the first state to grant universal manhood suffrage (i.e., all adult males could vote). Some states also abolished religious tests for voting. It was in New Jersey that an apparently accidental phrase in the new state constitution permitted women to vote in substantial numbers for the first time in American history
This does not conflict with what I stated. "The original US Constitution did not guarantee the right to vote for white men." It was up to each state. According to Britannica, "States initially allowed only a select few to cast a ballot, enacting property, tax, religion, gender, and race requirements. In the first presidential election (1789), voters were almost all landowning white Protestant males. Movements to end various restrictions were subsequently mounted...it took until 1856 for the last state (North Carolina) to drop property demands for white men." One site states 60% (a majority) of white men could vote in 1776, though I haven't verified that figure. That leaves 40% of white males who could not vote.
I am sure you have some interesting things to say Monty - or at least you obviously THINk you do since you took over almost the entire comments page, but you lost be back at the 8000 sq ft house - i had a feeling i knew what was coming. Sorry, but think i will stay with Glenn's substack. i will say though, that if the amount of information on your substack is anything like the amount here, your subscribers get their money worth
We might be finding amusement in the same things. Byron Donalds and Candace Owns are giving us a morality while excusing a sexual harassing conman who hoarded classified documents and turned a blind eye to his children taking tons of money from foreign governments.
We also hear radio silence when Nimrata says Blacks are lazy. Nimrita’s father worked at an HBCU, Vorhees College, because he could not find employment at a white college. Black students were there trying to gain skills to feed their families. Nimrata saw this and concluded Blacks are lazy.
The beautiful thing about being Black in America is the knowledge that you will survive in spite of whatever white people conceive to steal your joy.
I do see a connection. Dr. Loury is fighting for academic freedom, which is the starting point to cure anti-semitism, racism, and other vicious ideologies.
BTW, I have no problems with academic freedom. A Jew was the last person who called me a nigger because I advocated against his cult leader Donald Trump. And he has 3 Black-Jewish grandchildren. 🤣
Actually, I do see a connection in that Dr. Loury is fighting to preserve academic freedom, which in the long run is the cure for anti-semitism and similar vicious ideologies.
Brilliant scholarship? Lol!!! The Symbolic Betrayal of the Black Race: In his book, “Black Labor White Wealth”, Dr. Claude Anderson relates," the term Uncle Tom is not an appropriate label for an individual who is “white on the inside and black on the outside” and sells out his race by placing his personal gains with whites ahead of the rights and gains of his people. Contrary to popular usage of the label, the character Tom was not the culprit in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom was a brave man with dignity who cared about his family and race. The real villain was another black slave named Sambo. He was totally committed to the white master and used every opportunity to undermine the other slaves.Sambo, in many respects, was like today’s black conservatives. Sambo always followed the white slave master, Simon Legree, and offered to show him how to “tree the coons.” It was black Sambo who beat Uncle to death for both refusing to whip a black female slave or sell out his people. Uncle Tom tried to empower his people by undermining and beating the social structure whenever he could. Uncle Tom felt it was important to get his people across the river to freedom. He risked his life to do so. The Sambo character personifies a very successful social control construct created by conservatives. He was such a successful phenomenon that the concept he personified became a greater danger to blacks than Uncle Tom. As blacks move towards structuring policies of racial accountability, it will be very important for them to know who helps and who hurts the race. Sambo was the black slave character in numerous novels and movies who was willing to pick up a weapon and defend his white master against the approaching Union army or hide the master’s silver from Northern carpetbaggers. What is the difference between the fictional Sambo characters and today’s real-life blacks who join the conservative movement to argue against affirmative action, black reparations, and set-asides? They declare that the world is now color blind and are opposed to any policies requiring whites to share the socioeconomic burden that centuries of slavery and second class citizenship have imposed on blacks. Isn’t espousing a color blind, race-neutral, melting pot society, a moderate way of hiding master’s silver? What are black conservatives conserving when black America is burdened by poverty, crime, unemployment, homelessness, and other social pathologies? Based upon historical treatment alone, there should be a general antagonism between blacks and conservatives. Though conservatives claim that they are not racist, for centuries, they have opposed programs and policies to help blacks. Andrew Hacker, a white writer, provided insight on this in his new book, Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, and Unequal. Hacker asserted that: “There persists the belief that members of the black race represent an inferior strain of the human species…Of course, the belief is seldom voiced in public. Most whites who call themselves conservatives hold this view about blacks and proclaim it when they are sure of their company. Since white conservatives share their true feelings only in the privacy of other whites, there is a strong possibility that black conservatives do not know how white conservatives truly feel about them.”
Most of the convicted child molesters were pathetic white conservatives. I had to save one from being gang raped by the Aryans on the yard.
The worst case I had was a white convict who was convicted of murder and mayhem. He bit the nipples off of his wife's tits after she refused to have sex with him. He also threw their 4-month-old infant daughter against the wall in the bedroom, resulting in her death. They were originally from Alabama.
Read "Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways of the Old South' by McWhiney. Antebellum Southern cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. The culture was very violent, impulsive, and primitive. Debauchery was pervasive as well as castrations during mutual combat (carry over to castrating blacks). The culture had a very negative impact on blacks living in the South
Blacks from the Caribbean, not exposed to Antebellum Southern cracker culture have been more successful in the U.S. than African Americans that transferred pathologies to the North and elsewhere.
I bet Grandpa has quite an assortment of Mason jars containing body parts secreted in his basement. 4,700 black men, women, and children were lynched by savage Christian white men. White women and children stood by in amusement. Some of those children today are politicians.
I live in 2023, too, and a white boy with a Confederate decal on his large pickup truck tried to run me off the road not too long ago without provocation on my part. Fortunately, I didn't have to use my .45 ACP pistol or AR-15 to stop an elevated threat.
While Glenn is patting himself on the back, we have nazis running around in Georgia this weekend intimidating Jewish communities. Hate crimes are on the rise.
Certain ideological groups are gasping their last breath and they know it. This is why the "running around," but vacuums must be filled and the CRT crowd is filling the vacuum. As a woman who believes in my right to opportunity and self-determination according to our Constitution, I'm reminded of the comment by Madeline Albright during the HC campaign: "There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” My brain works just fine, thank you, and I don't need to trade one group (men) who want to tell me how to think and vote, to be dictated to by for another group (females in politics). Instead of helping humanity advance, seems like many want to trade some old, fading hate groups (Nazis, KKK) for a new hate group (CRT proselytizers).
[White feminism] is dysfunctional for the Black family.
Racism is a power relationship. Blacks don't have the wealth or power to do the same things that Whites have systemically done to Blacks. Should the victim be held responsible for the acts of the rapist? Blacks are primarily reactionaries to White racism.
The first constitution was never intended for Blacks. After black men were allowed to vote first after the end of the Civil War, white women were very pissed off, includung Frederick Douglas' white wife. 😂🤣😅
The US Constitution was an incredible advancement in human history in how we govern ourselves, but the founders were still trying to break with thousands of years of human history. The only white men who could vote were those with property. It was not until about 1860 that white men without property became enfranchised in all states, 73 years after ratification. Article 1, section 4 stated "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations."
Sentamentality is like a child distracting you while another one is picking your pockets. The constitution is a remarkable vague and ambiguous document written in secrecy to mal-distribute massive generational wealth and power to whites. Now, we have a conservative SCOTUS primarily looking out for the oligarchy. Apparently, justices are bought and paid for. Lol!
No sentimentality, just the reality of human history. You did not address the fact that the original US Constitution did not guarantee the right to vote for white men. The only "whites" who received massive generational wealth and power were from the few wealthy families and that's only if the patriarchs didn't get into debt. Some don't want to face that we're all just human, with the same infallibility. There's no special skin color or income level required to read to infants or young children. There's no special skin color or income level required to pay attention in class, do homework and study. The hysterical attacks against JD Vance, who did study in spite of the chaos of poverty and drug addiction around him, and with no "generational wealth," displayed the hypocrisy from many on the left.
The majority of white men were able to vote in 1776.
Edit to add
After declaring independence on July 4, 1776, each former English colony wrote a state constitution. About half the states attempted to reform their voting procedures. The trend in these states was to do away with the freehold requirement in favor of granting all taxpaying, free, adult males the right to vote. Since few men escaped paying taxes of some sort, suffrage (the right to vote) expanded in these states. Vermont's constitution went even further in 1777 when it became the first state to grant universal manhood suffrage (i.e., all adult males could vote). Some states also abolished religious tests for voting. It was in New Jersey that an apparently accidental phrase in the new state constitution permitted women to vote in substantial numbers for the first time in American history
This does not conflict with what I stated. "The original US Constitution did not guarantee the right to vote for white men." It was up to each state. According to Britannica, "States initially allowed only a select few to cast a ballot, enacting property, tax, religion, gender, and race requirements. In the first presidential election (1789), voters were almost all landowning white Protestant males. Movements to end various restrictions were subsequently mounted...it took until 1856 for the last state (North Carolina) to drop property demands for white men." One site states 60% (a majority) of white men could vote in 1776, though I haven't verified that figure. That leaves 40% of white males who could not vote.
It is hard to determine how many white men of all stripes voted in 1789.
I am sure you have some interesting things to say Monty - or at least you obviously THINk you do since you took over almost the entire comments page, but you lost be back at the 8000 sq ft house - i had a feeling i knew what was coming. Sorry, but think i will stay with Glenn's substack. i will say though, that if the amount of information on your substack is anything like the amount here, your subscribers get their money worth
Tyler Perry and the other independent Black billionaires have more substance without academic excellence (without abstract academic theories). Lol!!!!
We might be finding amusement in the same things. Byron Donalds and Candace Owns are giving us a morality while excusing a sexual harassing conman who hoarded classified documents and turned a blind eye to his children taking tons of money from foreign governments.
We also hear radio silence when Nimrata says Blacks are lazy. Nimrita’s father worked at an HBCU, Vorhees College, because he could not find employment at a white college. Black students were there trying to gain skills to feed their families. Nimrata saw this and concluded Blacks are lazy.
The beautiful thing about being Black in America is the knowledge that you will survive in spite of whatever white people conceive to steal your joy.
I certainly will not allow them to steal my joy or sanity.
That drives them crazy
You're missing half of that already.
I bet you have one half of a real Johnson. It must be very frustrating for your woman (maybe your man). 😂🤣😅
I live in your head rent free.
Envy is the killer of joy.
BBC is your joy. 😂🤣😅
There is no connection between Dr. Loury’s brilliant scholarship and nazis in GA, so why put them in the same sentence?
How's the connection now? 😂🤣😅
I do see a connection. Dr. Loury is fighting for academic freedom, which is the starting point to cure anti-semitism, racism, and other vicious ideologies.
BTW, I have no problems with academic freedom. A Jew was the last person who called me a nigger because I advocated against his cult leader Donald Trump. And he has 3 Black-Jewish grandchildren. 🤣
Actually, I do see a connection in that Dr. Loury is fighting to preserve academic freedom, which in the long run is the cure for anti-semitism and similar vicious ideologies.
Brilliant scholarship? Lol!!! The Symbolic Betrayal of the Black Race: In his book, “Black Labor White Wealth”, Dr. Claude Anderson relates," the term Uncle Tom is not an appropriate label for an individual who is “white on the inside and black on the outside” and sells out his race by placing his personal gains with whites ahead of the rights and gains of his people. Contrary to popular usage of the label, the character Tom was not the culprit in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom was a brave man with dignity who cared about his family and race. The real villain was another black slave named Sambo. He was totally committed to the white master and used every opportunity to undermine the other slaves.Sambo, in many respects, was like today’s black conservatives. Sambo always followed the white slave master, Simon Legree, and offered to show him how to “tree the coons.” It was black Sambo who beat Uncle to death for both refusing to whip a black female slave or sell out his people. Uncle Tom tried to empower his people by undermining and beating the social structure whenever he could. Uncle Tom felt it was important to get his people across the river to freedom. He risked his life to do so. The Sambo character personifies a very successful social control construct created by conservatives. He was such a successful phenomenon that the concept he personified became a greater danger to blacks than Uncle Tom. As blacks move towards structuring policies of racial accountability, it will be very important for them to know who helps and who hurts the race. Sambo was the black slave character in numerous novels and movies who was willing to pick up a weapon and defend his white master against the approaching Union army or hide the master’s silver from Northern carpetbaggers. What is the difference between the fictional Sambo characters and today’s real-life blacks who join the conservative movement to argue against affirmative action, black reparations, and set-asides? They declare that the world is now color blind and are opposed to any policies requiring whites to share the socioeconomic burden that centuries of slavery and second class citizenship have imposed on blacks. Isn’t espousing a color blind, race-neutral, melting pot society, a moderate way of hiding master’s silver? What are black conservatives conserving when black America is burdened by poverty, crime, unemployment, homelessness, and other social pathologies? Based upon historical treatment alone, there should be a general antagonism between blacks and conservatives. Though conservatives claim that they are not racist, for centuries, they have opposed programs and policies to help blacks. Andrew Hacker, a white writer, provided insight on this in his new book, Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, and Unequal. Hacker asserted that: “There persists the belief that members of the black race represent an inferior strain of the human species…Of course, the belief is seldom voiced in public. Most whites who call themselves conservatives hold this view about blacks and proclaim it when they are sure of their company. Since white conservatives share their true feelings only in the privacy of other whites, there is a strong possibility that black conservatives do not know how white conservatives truly feel about them.”
He will go all in on Liberals but only offers mild pushbacks on the Conservative assault on voting rights and attempts to overthrow the government.
Atlanta has been dangerous for many years.
You should make yourself more clear (on code?). Who's causing the increase in Atlanta being dangerous?
I’m sorry to hear. Does California imprison child molesters any more? I thought the Liberals are now referring to them as “minor attracted persons?”
Most of the convicted child molesters were pathetic white conservatives. I had to save one from being gang raped by the Aryans on the yard.
The worst case I had was a white convict who was convicted of murder and mayhem. He bit the nipples off of his wife's tits after she refused to have sex with him. He also threw their 4-month-old infant daughter against the wall in the bedroom, resulting in her death. They were originally from Alabama.
Read "Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways of the Old South' by McWhiney. Antebellum Southern cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. The culture was very violent, impulsive, and primitive. Debauchery was pervasive as well as castrations during mutual combat (carry over to castrating blacks). The culture had a very negative impact on blacks living in the South
Blacks from the Caribbean, not exposed to Antebellum Southern cracker culture have been more successful in the U.S. than African Americans that transferred pathologies to the North and elsewhere.
They love them some Thomas Sowell but skip over the part where he suggests Blacks learned laziness from whites.
Blacks are lazy, but Black owned businesses grew by 25% under Clinton and Black unemployment is at historic lows under Biden.
The statistics don’t lie.
The percentage of white child molesters in my predominantly white neighborhood represents sbout the same % on my old prison caseload in California.
I bet Grandpa has quite an assortment of Mason jars containing body parts secreted in his basement. 4,700 black men, women, and children were lynched by savage Christian white men. White women and children stood by in amusement. Some of those children today are politicians.
I live in year 2023. Maybe you should try it. Have a great rest of your day Monty.
I live in 2023, too, and a white boy with a Confederate decal on his large pickup truck tried to run me off the road not too long ago without provocation on my part. Fortunately, I didn't have to use my .45 ACP pistol or AR-15 to stop an elevated threat.
Sounds like he knew you.
Wow seems like you live in a dangerous area. I will pray for you.
Are you sure the incident happened near his residence?