CHAZ, CHOP, Seattle = Rebellion/Insurrection. A whole section of the United States was overtaken and occupied by ARMED people.
These people stated overtly that they had created an autonomous zone and that the government services that had been ELECTED to serve the actual (American) residents were to be denied: no police, no EMTS, firefighters etc. When not denied, said services had to go through armed checkpoints (i.e. East and West Berlin) to help citizens, obviously delaying emergency services.
The mayor called it a Summer of Love, the governor did nothing. Where was the Washington State National Guard?
A 16 year boy shot and killed, a 14 year old wounded; 3 others murdered - all African AMERICANS. Trash piled up, property destroyed, local businesses crushed, FEAR. - Silence, Denial - Projection: It’s all Trump.
So African Americans being murdered in Seattle, Police Stations attacked and/or burned to the ground in predominantly black neighborhoods throughout the country, riots and “peaceful” demonstrations ruined local businesses that served minority neighborhoods are the product of home grown, right wing (white wing) Maga extremism?! They’re peaceful protests?! Where’s the Righteous Outrage?!
Unarmed people vandalizing parts of Capital; walking within the red ropes of the interior, working with Capital police; the only death being an unarmed female veteran who was exercising the same rights and activities of BLM protestors . That’s the outrage?!
Not in my Back Yard. (DC or Martha’s Vineyard)
The elites of Washington were all about the pursuit of humanity, righteous protest and justice in the wake of George Floyd; nothing was off limits or out of bounds. But, bring it to their neighborhoods and it’s a no go; it’s insurrection, it’s a crime of the worst degree.
Are we to believe that an unarmed group of middle aged, middle class, milk toast Americans (whose protagonist is dressed like the Buffalo Bills Mascot) were a legitimate threat to the most secure region on the planet?! Really?!!!
It’s the being lied to one’s face and being told that they are the problem, where the outrage comes from. It’s about simple respect. It’s the disdain with which The Elect (figuratively and literally) treat the population that drives the outrage of some.
Hubris, arrogance and conceit will trump any legitimate issue the left presents. They are blinded by their own narcissistic glare, from Hollywood, to New York, to Washington where there exists a loop that is The Elect’s Echo Chamber of Self.
Kaiser is wrong, claiming "He was guilty of illegally trying to overturn the results of the election, including the incitement of the insurrection."
1- the election was stolen*. He was legally protesting the stolen election, with a mass Stop The Steal protest.
2- no insurrection. No Trump supporters took up arms and entered the Capitol -- most of the video, censored for 2 years by Dems' J6 smear & coverup investigation, shows peaceful protesters walking in the places the public is usually allowed to go.
To claim "clearly guilty" of incitement to insurrection is self-delusion when none have been charged, much less convicted, of insurrection. Many believe, as I do, that the FBI assets in the crowd did more to incite the illegal trespassing than did Trump -- enabled by Pelosi's deliberately having the minimum number of Capitol Police, rather than accepting the offered additional guards.
>>He used words like "fight" << Silly yet important, MLK often used words like fight to protest, peacefully, for rights. Virtually all politicians do, and I'd be surprised if Kaiser hasn't wanted his side to "fight" for whatever he wanted, and likely even wanted them to fight harder, or smarter.
>>what he wanted was clear enough.<< Trump haters are quick to claim to know motivations, without being willing to state them clearly. Because if Kaiser said: "Trump wanted Pence to choose alternate electors, or send the swing state electors back to the states" it would be clear that it's not an insurrection. If he said "Trump wanted the protesters to kill Pence" that would be arguably libelous; but that's the kind of implied evil Kaiser wants to impute to Trump -- tho most folk would more reasonably claim Trump did NOT want anybody to be killed.
To call it an insurrection is to say the Trump supporters wanted to kill people, which is false false false for most of them, tho likely many Trump haters like to think that's the secret motivation.
*If the negative truth of one candidate is censored so that candidate wins, the election was unfair; unfair elections are stolen from the loser. H. Biden's laptop, and evidence of Biden corruption, was illegally censored to allow Biden to steal the election.
That the election was stolen is a far more true statement than the J6 protest was an insurrection.
"To call it an insurrection is to say the Trump supporters wanted to kill people"
No, although if you take them [the people at the Capitol, not all Trump supporters] at their spoken words, they did want to kill one person (Mike Pence).
Yes. I do hold the same standard. Will find the stat on number of BLM protestors who were arrested and convicted (I live Twin Cities, we still have burned out buildings). If you decide to pursue Civil Disobedience, via property damage and violence, that can and often does come with consequences.
I had the National Guard Stationed within 4 blocks of my house. In the eye of the storm here.
Not sure about all your assertions “now know” examples. But will grant leeway. Even so, if a Fed agent hands a flagpole to me and says, here, gore the security officer… 99.9% certain I would walk away.
All reliable sources and unbiased sources. why don't you quote Media Matters of MSNBC?
How many BLM protesters have been put in solitary? how many are still in jail? How much time did those thousands spend in jail?
I went to see Kenosha after the riots the downturn was like Dresden in 1945, how many people are in prison for that? Did the feds ask the bank and credit card companies help to hunt down those rioters?
I DISAGREE: the modal idiot voter does NOT get to decide that what Trump did wasn't an unlawful interference with the peaceful transfer of power. YOU KNOW that it was and you're acting like Pontius Pilatus here on a daily basis because you want to vote for this miscreant (again), so that policy gets implemented that you believe is more favorable. That's were the willful confusion of the issues originates.
"If you believe that Trump had a hand in fomenting the January 6 riot and directing the rioters to stop the election certification, if you believe his communications with state governments during the ballot counting rise to level of interference, then perhaps you’ll agree with David that he should have been disqualified from the presidency three years ago."
"Believe"? We're prosecuting people based on what progressives BELIEVE? Seriously???
Where I come from, we work form FACTS. If you want to believe, go to church. In court, it's supposed to be about FACTS. Merrick Garland, in spite of his efforts to arrest everyone he can get ahold of, has arrested NO ONE for insurrection. That's a FACT.
This entire farce is just another chapter in the Get Trump enterprise of Pelosi, Garland, Biden and Clinton. THEY should be arrested, persecuted, convicted and imprisoned. What do I base that on? I base it on the fact that my friends and I all BELIEVE that they are guilty and should be thrown in prison. And that's all it takes, anymore.
As Kaiser noted, one of the interesting things about this claim is that the originalist answer is that Trump is disqualified. Those opposed to his disqualification are either making absurdly formalistic textual arguments (Trump isn't an officer) or living constitutionalist arguments.
"Has fascist-in-chief arrested anyone for insurrection for Jan 6. No."
There is so much wrong in this one sentence I don't know where to start, but, I'll just leave it at the lack of an arrest for something is not evidence that the thing didn't happen.
It is also worth nothing that people have been tried and convicted of seditious conspiracy (an insurrection adjacent crime) and obstruction of an official proceeding (though the suppreme court is currently reviewing the applicability of that charge to the capitol rioters).
"Were any of the rioters armed? Nope."
Absolutely false. Some of them, by their own statements claim, to have been armed, and we see from the viedos various makeshift and actual weapons being used against Capitol police (bear spray, etc.). Some were wearing body armor.
If you specifically mean firearms, as opposed to other types of weapons, some rioters but relatively few did have them.
So much wrong with the sentence? WHAT'S wrong with it?
So, you are, in your sad way, trying to maintain that Trump should be disqualified for running for office based on an insurrection that no one has been arrested for, in an incident with over 40,000 hours of video, none of which provides prosecutable evidence of insurrection. In spite of this absurd suggestion, you think you are the rational one.
As for seditious conspiracy, let's examine THAT with a rational mind: There were, I believe, ten convictions. Ten. Not of actual sedition, but of conspiracy. In other words, actual sedition NEVER HAPPENRD. Again, that's not my belief, it is a FACT that Fascist-in-Chief, Merrick Garland, couldn't create enough of a case to demonstrate any actual sedition. So, whatever you saw in the videos, it wasn't sedition. So says Merrick Garland. And remember, you are making your case about Trump. So, Michael, make your case that these ten people conspired WITH TRUMP. Good luck with that.
Here's something you might want to do, instead: Acknowledge to yourself that you've allowed yourself to be totally misinformed and mislead. And then promise to yourself to never again be such a useful fool. That's what I did, years ago.
"So, you are, in your sad way, trying to maintain that Trump should be disqualified for running for office based on an insurrection that no one has been arrested for, in an incident with over 40,000 hours of video, none of which provides prosecutable evidence of insurrection. In spite of this absurd suggestion, you think you are the rational one."
1. I don't know whether Trump should be disqualified. I think an honest application of originalism would dictate that he should be. But it is a hard uestion for me because I don't believe in originalism as the one sole method of constitutional interpretation. (For me it is A method not THE method).
2. "an insurrection that no one has been arrested for." This is a silly talking point. more than a thousand have been arrested, several hundred have been convicted or pled guilty, for their activities on Jan 6, for crimes that vary from misdemeanors at the low end to seditious conspiracy at thew high end.
3. "Merrick Garland, couldn't create enough of a case to demonstrate any actual sedition."
So, I'm supposed to be impressed with your ability to copy/paste links?
What is this, the third time I've stated, flat-out that there was no insurrection, and the best you can do to refute it is to spew hyperbole and post links I can't be bothered with. There's an expression I live by: Put up, or shut up.
Maybe your civics teacher will accept such a low level of effort. I won't
I think what you actually seem to mean is "put up or shut up, but if you put up I won;t look at it and instead I will just call you a liar."
You claimed that, literally, that there was no sedition and that the government didn't even accuse anyone of sedition. That's false - there have been convictions for seditious conspiracy. I provided links because they document that.
Have a good day, sir. To me there is no point in contiuing this conversation.
A THREE year old Guardian article? Only counting murders? Sorry, not persuasive to me. It ignores all the BLM murders,over George Floyd, the criminal, the violence from the left over the Gaza massacre, Steve Scalise, and all the people doxxed & attacked by Leftists
You better believe it. This election will be decided by who has the most guns on a given day. Our forces are well practiced in how to conduct a coup de tat.
"But I think what he wanted was clear enough." I do hope that that pov from an observer of televised (taped) proceedings would not convince any jury; even one composed of beltway Hillarys.
I haven't seen any open discussion here about January 6 committee, which is the predicate you want to use for Trump's disqualification. Why put the cart before the horse? Or, if you want to get another dissenting opinion, why not interview Mollie Hemingway who wrote "Rigged" that describes Democrat "fortification" of 2020—the underlying cause of J6. She has plenty of footnotes. Five years of mind-numbing BS about Russia Collusion ought to dispose any thinking person to be skeptical of any Democrat lawfare, but no, we still have the convenient, absurd and disingenuous claims that Trump legally qualifies under the 14th amendment despite the fact that he has not been convicted of "insurrection" or even charged. How can it be responsible to discuss removing, by these obviously quasi-legal means, a candidate who has the support of at least 70 million voters. How can you claim to support democracy?
Glen and John should give some thought to how often they book guests that are far to the left of their own opinions, and the opinions of their subscribers. Especially when all you throw at the guests are softballs. Leftist "mainstream" opinions don't really need any extra help from you. Being caught in the fog of academia is some excuse, but your backwardness, or unwillingness to consider widely accepted and documented alternative opinions (for example J6, 2020, etc) is maddening and not responsible. There is a ton of information out there, and reliable reporters (Glen Greenwald, Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist, Matt Taibbi, Julie Kelly and others) why not take some care to put some balance in your interviews?
Seems to me that Glenn politely but completely exposed Kaiser here by demanding specifics that Kaiser couldn't provide - not sure what video you watched. Sometimes it's best to let someone dig his own grave...
It's already been established that there were over 200 federal agents in the crown and more dressed as trump supporters in the capital on that day... many of those agents had been for months infiltrating groups and fomenting aggression... the capital police chiefs book makes it clear he was prevented from controlling the crowd by "higher authorities... the whole thing wreaks of a "false flag" and the intellectual crowd is running around with their dresses pulled over their heads clutching pearls and pointing at Trump.. you all are getting played... if this is the best critical thinking we got in this country then we deserve what we get...
Speaking as a mother here, let’s say 200 Trump supporters did “take the bait” - I tried to instill a sense of reserve. Meaning, if you see people stealing candy at the Walgreen’s, simply walk away. Just because you see other people engaging in stupidity, you do not need to be a sheep and follow.
perhaps ... but would you hold the BLM marchers including all those "good" college kids to the same standard? Unless you have experienced a mass protest you can't understand the "other worldly" forces at work on otherwise normal people... history is full of examples... my only point is that Federal agents are now known to have been in the crowd and acting as agitators and proper resources to keep the crowd under control were purposefully withheld... how long are the citizens of this country going to fall for the deception. One would have thought that Covid would have been a wakeup call but i guess its too frightening for the average person to process... we are weak and deserve our coming servitude and misery...
As a former Democrat (I unregistered as no doubt many others have), I just simply CANNOT believe this is in any way a discussion, much less an issue. The FACTS are: the DNC finds itself wildly unpopular because it abandoned its voting bloc, and continues to do so despite the obvious; that same DNC , ACTUALLY interfered and colluded with other powerful 'interests' in the last 2 Elections, continues to deny that fact, and isn't being held accountable; that power structure is so corrupt that it deems itself all-knowing and is the ACTUAL cause of cultural and institutional failure on every level; and that same power structure is willing to subvert the US Constitition in order to maintain itself, all the while accusing (projecting!) something else as the cause and threat to the Republic (Trump, populism, nationalism, white supremacy, et al).
Collectively, we are ALL being psychologically fucked with, on a civilizational scale. Does anyone REALLY expect anything other than disastrous consequences for this? I think not.
CHAZ, CHOP, Seattle = Rebellion/Insurrection. A whole section of the United States was overtaken and occupied by ARMED people.
These people stated overtly that they had created an autonomous zone and that the government services that had been ELECTED to serve the actual (American) residents were to be denied: no police, no EMTS, firefighters etc. When not denied, said services had to go through armed checkpoints (i.e. East and West Berlin) to help citizens, obviously delaying emergency services.
The mayor called it a Summer of Love, the governor did nothing. Where was the Washington State National Guard?
A 16 year boy shot and killed, a 14 year old wounded; 3 others murdered - all African AMERICANS. Trash piled up, property destroyed, local businesses crushed, FEAR. - Silence, Denial - Projection: It’s all Trump.
So African Americans being murdered in Seattle, Police Stations attacked and/or burned to the ground in predominantly black neighborhoods throughout the country, riots and “peaceful” demonstrations ruined local businesses that served minority neighborhoods are the product of home grown, right wing (white wing) Maga extremism?! They’re peaceful protests?! Where’s the Righteous Outrage?!
Unarmed people vandalizing parts of Capital; walking within the red ropes of the interior, working with Capital police; the only death being an unarmed female veteran who was exercising the same rights and activities of BLM protestors . That’s the outrage?!
Not in my Back Yard. (DC or Martha’s Vineyard)
The elites of Washington were all about the pursuit of humanity, righteous protest and justice in the wake of George Floyd; nothing was off limits or out of bounds. But, bring it to their neighborhoods and it’s a no go; it’s insurrection, it’s a crime of the worst degree.
Are we to believe that an unarmed group of middle aged, middle class, milk toast Americans (whose protagonist is dressed like the Buffalo Bills Mascot) were a legitimate threat to the most secure region on the planet?! Really?!!!
It’s the being lied to one’s face and being told that they are the problem, where the outrage comes from. It’s about simple respect. It’s the disdain with which The Elect (figuratively and literally) treat the population that drives the outrage of some.
Hubris, arrogance and conceit will trump any legitimate issue the left presents. They are blinded by their own narcissistic glare, from Hollywood, to New York, to Washington where there exists a loop that is The Elect’s Echo Chamber of Self.
Kaiser is wrong, claiming "He was guilty of illegally trying to overturn the results of the election, including the incitement of the insurrection."
1- the election was stolen*. He was legally protesting the stolen election, with a mass Stop The Steal protest.
2- no insurrection. No Trump supporters took up arms and entered the Capitol -- most of the video, censored for 2 years by Dems' J6 smear & coverup investigation, shows peaceful protesters walking in the places the public is usually allowed to go.
To claim "clearly guilty" of incitement to insurrection is self-delusion when none have been charged, much less convicted, of insurrection. Many believe, as I do, that the FBI assets in the crowd did more to incite the illegal trespassing than did Trump -- enabled by Pelosi's deliberately having the minimum number of Capitol Police, rather than accepting the offered additional guards.
>>He used words like "fight" << Silly yet important, MLK often used words like fight to protest, peacefully, for rights. Virtually all politicians do, and I'd be surprised if Kaiser hasn't wanted his side to "fight" for whatever he wanted, and likely even wanted them to fight harder, or smarter.
>>what he wanted was clear enough.<< Trump haters are quick to claim to know motivations, without being willing to state them clearly. Because if Kaiser said: "Trump wanted Pence to choose alternate electors, or send the swing state electors back to the states" it would be clear that it's not an insurrection. If he said "Trump wanted the protesters to kill Pence" that would be arguably libelous; but that's the kind of implied evil Kaiser wants to impute to Trump -- tho most folk would more reasonably claim Trump did NOT want anybody to be killed.
To call it an insurrection is to say the Trump supporters wanted to kill people, which is false false false for most of them, tho likely many Trump haters like to think that's the secret motivation.
*If the negative truth of one candidate is censored so that candidate wins, the election was unfair; unfair elections are stolen from the loser. H. Biden's laptop, and evidence of Biden corruption, was illegally censored to allow Biden to steal the election.
That the election was stolen is a far more true statement than the J6 protest was an insurrection.
"To call it an insurrection is to say the Trump supporters wanted to kill people"
No, although if you take them [the people at the Capitol, not all Trump supporters] at their spoken words, they did want to kill one person (Mike Pence).
This is delusional thinking. Jews are used as tokens or metaphorical enemies and devils that must be destroyed by brown goodness. It’s sick.
Israel under the leadership of Netanyahu is being criticized for committing genocide.
There are I realistic condemning the slaughter. When they criticize, they are called self-hating Jews.
There are knuckleheads in the United States who attack Jews because of their religion
There are knuckleheads who attack Muslims.
The knuckleheads should be put in prison.
The actions of the knuckleheads does not prevent people from arguing about genocide
Bill Clinton was criticized for not taking action when Rwandans faced a genocide.
There is war and there is unreasonable slaughter
After Dresden was destroyed, new rules were created
Puttng support for war crimes in all caps does not justify the crimes.
Edit to add:
Can you define “EXISTENYIAL”?
You are an idiot. And you have no concept of morality.
Best response to your nonsense “I’m rubber and you are glue…
Yes. I do hold the same standard. Will find the stat on number of BLM protestors who were arrested and convicted (I live Twin Cities, we still have burned out buildings). If you decide to pursue Civil Disobedience, via property damage and violence, that can and often does come with consequences.
I had the National Guard Stationed within 4 blocks of my house. In the eye of the storm here.
Not sure about all your assertions “now know” examples. But will grant leeway. Even so, if a Fed agent hands a flagpole to me and says, here, gore the security officer… 99.9% certain I would walk away.
As predicted, Conservative snowflakes who say that BLM protesters were shown leniency are not telling the truth
Sadly facts don’t matter to Conservatives and the claim of unf air treatment of J6 protesters will not go away
All reliable sources and unbiased sources. why don't you quote Media Matters of MSNBC?
How many BLM protesters have been put in solitary? how many are still in jail? How much time did those thousands spend in jail?
I went to see Kenosha after the riots the downturn was like Dresden in 1945, how many people are in prison for that? Did the feds ask the bank and credit card companies help to hunt down those rioters?
Your guy just got fined $83 M. He is a circus.
I guess Forbes is Left wing.
Hilarious, Stefanik was hiding and Hawley ran for his life.
Stay in the clown car.
I DISAGREE: the modal idiot voter does NOT get to decide that what Trump did wasn't an unlawful interference with the peaceful transfer of power. YOU KNOW that it was and you're acting like Pontius Pilatus here on a daily basis because you want to vote for this miscreant (again), so that policy gets implemented that you believe is more favorable. That's were the willful confusion of the issues originates.
"If you believe that Trump had a hand in fomenting the January 6 riot and directing the rioters to stop the election certification, if you believe his communications with state governments during the ballot counting rise to level of interference, then perhaps you’ll agree with David that he should have been disqualified from the presidency three years ago."
"Believe"? We're prosecuting people based on what progressives BELIEVE? Seriously???
Where I come from, we work form FACTS. If you want to believe, go to church. In court, it's supposed to be about FACTS. Merrick Garland, in spite of his efforts to arrest everyone he can get ahold of, has arrested NO ONE for insurrection. That's a FACT.
This entire farce is just another chapter in the Get Trump enterprise of Pelosi, Garland, Biden and Clinton. THEY should be arrested, persecuted, convicted and imprisoned. What do I base that on? I base it on the fact that my friends and I all BELIEVE that they are guilty and should be thrown in prison. And that's all it takes, anymore.
As Kaiser noted, one of the interesting things about this claim is that the originalist answer is that Trump is disqualified. Those opposed to his disqualification are either making absurdly formalistic textual arguments (Trump isn't an officer) or living constitutionalist arguments.
Or they're pointing out that there was NO insurrection on Jan 6.
Has fascist-in-chief arrested anyone for insurrection for Jan 6. No.
Were any of the rioters armed? Nope.
Was Trump aware that this was happening? No, again. He was giving his speech, over a mile away.
So, Michael, maybe it's the easily led, cognitive dissonant followers of total BS that are the problem.
"Has fascist-in-chief arrested anyone for insurrection for Jan 6. No."
There is so much wrong in this one sentence I don't know where to start, but, I'll just leave it at the lack of an arrest for something is not evidence that the thing didn't happen.
It is also worth nothing that people have been tried and convicted of seditious conspiracy (an insurrection adjacent crime) and obstruction of an official proceeding (though the suppreme court is currently reviewing the applicability of that charge to the capitol rioters).
"Were any of the rioters armed? Nope."
Absolutely false. Some of them, by their own statements claim, to have been armed, and we see from the viedos various makeshift and actual weapons being used against Capitol police (bear spray, etc.). Some were wearing body armor.
If you specifically mean firearms, as opposed to other types of weapons, some rioters but relatively few did have them.
So much wrong with the sentence? WHAT'S wrong with it?
So, you are, in your sad way, trying to maintain that Trump should be disqualified for running for office based on an insurrection that no one has been arrested for, in an incident with over 40,000 hours of video, none of which provides prosecutable evidence of insurrection. In spite of this absurd suggestion, you think you are the rational one.
As for seditious conspiracy, let's examine THAT with a rational mind: There were, I believe, ten convictions. Ten. Not of actual sedition, but of conspiracy. In other words, actual sedition NEVER HAPPENRD. Again, that's not my belief, it is a FACT that Fascist-in-Chief, Merrick Garland, couldn't create enough of a case to demonstrate any actual sedition. So, whatever you saw in the videos, it wasn't sedition. So says Merrick Garland. And remember, you are making your case about Trump. So, Michael, make your case that these ten people conspired WITH TRUMP. Good luck with that.
Here's something you might want to do, instead: Acknowledge to yourself that you've allowed yourself to be totally misinformed and mislead. And then promise to yourself to never again be such a useful fool. That's what I did, years ago.
"So, you are, in your sad way, trying to maintain that Trump should be disqualified for running for office based on an insurrection that no one has been arrested for, in an incident with over 40,000 hours of video, none of which provides prosecutable evidence of insurrection. In spite of this absurd suggestion, you think you are the rational one."
1. I don't know whether Trump should be disqualified. I think an honest application of originalism would dictate that he should be. But it is a hard uestion for me because I don't believe in originalism as the one sole method of constitutional interpretation. (For me it is A method not THE method).
2. "an insurrection that no one has been arrested for." This is a silly talking point. more than a thousand have been arrested, several hundred have been convicted or pled guilty, for their activities on Jan 6, for crimes that vary from misdemeanors at the low end to seditious conspiracy at thew high end.
3. "Merrick Garland, couldn't create enough of a case to demonstrate any actual sedition."
Your agenda-laden framing aside, that is false.
My case that people conspired with Trump:
So, I'm supposed to be impressed with your ability to copy/paste links?
What is this, the third time I've stated, flat-out that there was no insurrection, and the best you can do to refute it is to spew hyperbole and post links I can't be bothered with. There's an expression I live by: Put up, or shut up.
Maybe your civics teacher will accept such a low level of effort. I won't
"Put up, or shut up"
I think what you actually seem to mean is "put up or shut up, but if you put up I won;t look at it and instead I will just call you a liar."
You claimed that, literally, that there was no sedition and that the government didn't even accuse anyone of sedition. That's false - there have been convictions for seditious conspiracy. I provided links because they document that.
Have a good day, sir. To me there is no point in contiuing this conversation.
Try it sucker.
There will be violence committed by Trump supporters if he is not declared the winner. Constitution be damned.
Like the violence committed by BLM, Antifa, and pro-abortionists?
The Right has always been much more violent than the Left.
A THREE year old Guardian article? Only counting murders? Sorry, not persuasive to me. It ignores all the BLM murders,over George Floyd, the criminal, the violence from the left over the Gaza massacre, Steve Scalise, and all the people doxxed & attacked by Leftists
You argue that the the article only counts murders.
Then you suggest there were many BLM murders.
Can you provide a link to the BLM murders connected to George Floyd.
Are you aware the violent crime is down?
You arguments makes as much sense as the Conservative argument that antifa did J6.
Biden won, but antifa wanted to prove t certifying Biden’s win.
Makes no sense.
We get a grandma sentenced to prison admitting she is a Trump supporter. The Shaman guy is definitely not Antifa.
Now Stefanik is calling the jailed felons who attacked the Capitol “hostages”
Conservatives have no factual basis for their beliefs.
Here's a link from the Guardian itself
Not sure of your 'oint here:
"We get a grandma sentenced to prison admitting she is a Trump supporter."
Are you suggesting being a Trump supporter is a crime?
You better believe it. This election will be decided by who has the most guns on a given day. Our forces are well practiced in how to conduct a coup de tat.
The honesty is appreciated.
"But I think what he wanted was clear enough." I do hope that that pov from an observer of televised (taped) proceedings would not convince any jury; even one composed of beltway Hillarys.
I haven't seen any open discussion here about January 6 committee, which is the predicate you want to use for Trump's disqualification. Why put the cart before the horse? Or, if you want to get another dissenting opinion, why not interview Mollie Hemingway who wrote "Rigged" that describes Democrat "fortification" of 2020—the underlying cause of J6. She has plenty of footnotes. Five years of mind-numbing BS about Russia Collusion ought to dispose any thinking person to be skeptical of any Democrat lawfare, but no, we still have the convenient, absurd and disingenuous claims that Trump legally qualifies under the 14th amendment despite the fact that he has not been convicted of "insurrection" or even charged. How can it be responsible to discuss removing, by these obviously quasi-legal means, a candidate who has the support of at least 70 million voters. How can you claim to support democracy?
Glen and John should give some thought to how often they book guests that are far to the left of their own opinions, and the opinions of their subscribers. Especially when all you throw at the guests are softballs. Leftist "mainstream" opinions don't really need any extra help from you. Being caught in the fog of academia is some excuse, but your backwardness, or unwillingness to consider widely accepted and documented alternative opinions (for example J6, 2020, etc) is maddening and not responsible. There is a ton of information out there, and reliable reporters (Glen Greenwald, Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist, Matt Taibbi, Julie Kelly and others) why not take some care to put some balance in your interviews?
Seems to me that Glenn politely but completely exposed Kaiser here by demanding specifics that Kaiser couldn't provide - not sure what video you watched. Sometimes it's best to let someone dig his own grave...
It's already been established that there were over 200 federal agents in the crown and more dressed as trump supporters in the capital on that day... many of those agents had been for months infiltrating groups and fomenting aggression... the capital police chiefs book makes it clear he was prevented from controlling the crowd by "higher authorities... the whole thing wreaks of a "false flag" and the intellectual crowd is running around with their dresses pulled over their heads clutching pearls and pointing at Trump.. you all are getting played... if this is the best critical thinking we got in this country then we deserve what we get...
Speaking as a mother here, let’s say 200 Trump supporters did “take the bait” - I tried to instill a sense of reserve. Meaning, if you see people stealing candy at the Walgreen’s, simply walk away. Just because you see other people engaging in stupidity, you do not need to be a sheep and follow.
perhaps ... but would you hold the BLM marchers including all those "good" college kids to the same standard? Unless you have experienced a mass protest you can't understand the "other worldly" forces at work on otherwise normal people... history is full of examples... my only point is that Federal agents are now known to have been in the crowd and acting as agitators and proper resources to keep the crowd under control were purposefully withheld... how long are the citizens of this country going to fall for the deception. One would have thought that Covid would have been a wakeup call but i guess its too frightening for the average person to process... we are weak and deserve our coming servitude and misery...
As a former Democrat (I unregistered as no doubt many others have), I just simply CANNOT believe this is in any way a discussion, much less an issue. The FACTS are: the DNC finds itself wildly unpopular because it abandoned its voting bloc, and continues to do so despite the obvious; that same DNC , ACTUALLY interfered and colluded with other powerful 'interests' in the last 2 Elections, continues to deny that fact, and isn't being held accountable; that power structure is so corrupt that it deems itself all-knowing and is the ACTUAL cause of cultural and institutional failure on every level; and that same power structure is willing to subvert the US Constitition in order to maintain itself, all the while accusing (projecting!) something else as the cause and threat to the Republic (Trump, populism, nationalism, white supremacy, et al).
Collectively, we are ALL being psychologically fucked with, on a civilizational scale. Does anyone REALLY expect anything other than disastrous consequences for this? I think not.