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Tonight while traveling, I find myself in the middle of nowhere in Big Piney, Wyoming. I check into this old but clean motel, settle down, grab a chair outside, watch the sunset and have a chance to read about this discussion/debate by 2 intelligent, well read, well written, intellectual academics.

Before I can finish, a carload of black guys roll up and start arguing with one another. F and N words flying, a local mother gathers up her young son who is staring with mouth agape at the increasing loud incident. As the mother starts walking away, the kid is pointing in their direction saying, "Mom, he said he's gonna kill him, he's gonna kill him."

I gather my things and head to my room thinking. These guys are keeping the stereotype alive, and this is as good as it gets.

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Tic-tac-toe is a children's game, spiral. Grow up MF!

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"In 1854, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the chapter "Poor White Trash" in her book A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe wrote that slavery not only produces "degraded, miserable slaves", but also "a poor white population as degraded and brutal as ever existed in any of the most crowded districts of Europe." The plantation system forced those whites to struggle for subsistence, becoming an "inconceivably brutal" group resembling "some blind, savage monster, which, when aroused, tramples heedlessly over everything in its way." Beyond economic factors, Stowe traces the existence of this class to the shortage of schools and churches in their communities, and remarks that both blacks and whites in the area look down on these "poor white trash".

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I'm vacationing in beautiful South Lake Tahoe, wasting my time and energy on an ignorant "cracker"---spiral. You need to spiral down the sewer in Wyoming.

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Thomas Sowell relates that the whites have their niggers and the blacks have their rednecks. Perhaps, you, spiral, should brush up on McWhinny and Sowell to improve your deficient "cracker" intellectual dishonesty. Studies have shown that blacks from the Caribbean, not exposed to the antebellum southern cracker culture, have done very well in America. Ditto for the Nigerians.

The antebellum southern cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. The culture involved high illiteracy, sexual promiscuity, clan violence, herdsmen, pleasure for the sake of pleasure, etc. Fredrick Douglas confirmed the above during his visit to Ireland in the 1950s during the potato famine. Anglo-Saxons considered the Celtics inferior, offering no assistance to minimize the 1 million Irish who starved to death. Furthermore, Douglas recommended against Irish immigration to America, being concerned about the Irish competing for limited employment with the semi-freed blacks in the north (e.g., New York).

The English would normally settle the Celtics in Indian Territory as a buffer. These two groups had different value systems and ways of life. In the old cracker culture in the British Isles, the men would practice castration during mutual combat. Castrations of black men in the antebellum South?

Spiral is a sorry-ass white racist propagandist who needs to be brutally punked without mercy. I used to rescue nuisances like him from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape during my long career in the prison industrial complex. Hundreds of sutures on where the sun doesn't shine and infinite best rest on the bunk with belly down. A new drug mule was then born for the AB prison gang. The former leaders of the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers are now screaming out for mercy, "help me, momma... I can't breathe... don't hurt me...please spare my manhood." 🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Why so vitriolically angry?

What, in Spiral's observation that the behavior he witnessed is, indeed, the source of certain stereotypes, do you find so obscenely objectionable?

In fact, as we all know. stereotypes exist because enough people have seen enough evidence on enough occasions to create the 'simplified image' or understanding of "X" whatever "X" may be. First impressions are based on stereotypes. Our conversations are filled with them. We all use them, rightly or wrongly...accurately or inaccurately....explicitly or implicitly. They exist because they contain, on average, a certain element of truth (they can be useful shorthand summaries....as in "He's your typical football player"); they're dangerous, especially if used indiscriminately, because they also contain a significant exaggeration or untruth. They also, needless to say, do not universally apply to everyone who shares that category. Brian May, as a for instance, does not really fit the stereotype of 'lead guitarist for a major rock band'.

If you google the word 'stereotype' and combine that with 'WalMart shoppers'... 'Valley Girls'....'Goths'....'Teenage Gangs'....'Football Players'.... 'Karens'.... 'businessman'.... 'addict'....'Feminist'... 'Gay'.... 'Computer Guy'... you name it....you'll find a collection of images and descriptions which play off the stereotypical understanding of each one of those categories.

If Spiral had said, speaking of a ComicCon he happened to visit, and the people he saw gushing enthusiastically about the costume accuracy of the latest Thor movie, "these guys are keeping the stereotype alive"...would you find that equally disturbing?

Of course one way to avoid such kneejerk stereotyping is to pay attention to what is actually being said...vs what we may fear is being said or implied or even felt. Easy to say, sometimes hard to do.

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... stereotyping? Becky is here rolling on

the floor with uncontrollable laughter. She's wondering how spiral compensates for his very small manhood. Why did insecure great-grandpa castrate black men during the Jim Crow era in connection to white women? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I don't apologize for my so-called vitriol comments about a bigoted clown like spiral. Spiral is a passive-aggressive loser. Spiral has a backstory that encompasses a pattern of denigrating comments about the descendants of American slavery and the savage legacy of Jim Crow (semi-slavery).

My career involved working in a very ruthless environment around assholes like spiral. It makes no logical sense to sing, "We Shall Overcome" when some asshole is crushing your head in with various sorts of inanimate objects, figuratively speaking.

If spiral wants to have real adulterated discussions without the childish games (passive-aggressive bullshit), I have no problems. I would respect him more if he wore a blood-stained white hood or sported a swastika, expressing more direct feelings.

BTW, you would have been an interesting nerd to manage.

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Ah, so you and Spiral have a history?

And your vitriol has nothing to do with the substance of his comment here, which stands alone and seems inarguable, but with something he said somewhere else, at some other time, on some other subject, to someone else, that evidently tweaked (and still tweaks) your exquisite sensitivities intolerably???

Well...nothing we can say to that. The rest of us have no idea what you think you've read or how you might have imagined it; we can only marvel at the response. Oh well.

You would be much better served restricting your sputtering rants to the subject at hand, but hey -- feel free. You have my permission to rant to your heart's content.

Good luck, my friend; I'm afraid you'll need it.

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You control nothing here buttercup. 🤡🤡🤡🤡

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