Data? Lol!!!! The group wealth of blacks of less than 2% hasn't since the ever of the American Civil War, at which time there were 400 thousand semi-free blacks and 4 million slaves. Freed blacks left the plantations with just the clothes on their backs (no money, no food, no land, no tools, no firearms to protect themselves, etc. Many w…
Data? Lol!!!! The group wealth of blacks of less than 2% hasn't since the ever of the American Civil War, at which time there were 400 thousand semi-free blacks and 4 million slaves. Freed blacks left the plantations with just the clothes on their backs (no money, no food, no land, no tools, no firearms to protect themselves, etc. Many were forced back into semi-slavery as exploited sharecroppers. Don't forget the peonage.
European immigrants got the headstart with 2 billion acres of Indian land, abundant free African labor, and Jim Crow. During Jim Crow, blacks were excluded from Social Security benefits (domestic & farm workers), GI benefits in the South where whites controlled the dispensing, FHA mortgages, etc. FDR's New Deal programs mostly benefited whites who built equity.
According to studies, it will take about 230 years for blacks to catch up with average individual white wealth. Massive generational wealth and power were maldistributed to whites through institutionalized slavery and apartheid.
Racism is a competitive relationship between groups for ownership and control of resources for wealth and power---a team sport. Whites got the headstart with blacks never being part of the race. Moreover, the first constitution was the white affirmative action program. It was written in broad and ambiguous language to camouflage the hypocrisy of slavery.
We are no longer a binary nation because of the 1965 immigration law which has been a major disaster for blacks who have earned benefits. Immigrants have ridden in on the coattails of great black sacrifice. And white women have mostly benefitted from affirmative action.
Whites on the left and right are using the buffer class (e.g., Hispanics, Asians, and whatnot) to insulate themselves from seriously addressing the benign neglect of black issues. Liberals just shuffle the chairs on a sinking ship to make blacks feel happy. On the other hand, conservatives just sink the ship.
We have black bootlicks on both the left and right, from "fish fry" Congressman James Cylburn to Senator Tim Scott. The Black leadership class, politicians, preachers, entertainers, and athletes aren't providing sufficient cohesive leadership. Social integration severely damaged black cohesiveness.
Blacks left their communities where small businesses were more present, and allowed other minority cohesive groups (i.e., Hispanics) to move in and replace them. Billions of dollars are now being spent on undocumented Hispanic immigrants. They're being sent to black communities where resources are very limited.
Jim Crow Joe Biden, in a post-election conference call with black leaders, said that the Hispanic population has surpassed the black population in America and that whites need to pay more attention to them. Furthermore, he recommended that blacks get along better with Hispanics. Lol!!!!
Minority groups are fighting for the leftovers. 40 years from now? Diversity diverts resources. Lol!!!!
Data? Lol!!!! The group wealth of blacks of less than 2% hasn't since the ever of the American Civil War, at which time there were 400 thousand semi-free blacks and 4 million slaves. Freed blacks left the plantations with just the clothes on their backs (no money, no food, no land, no tools, no firearms to protect themselves, etc. Many were forced back into semi-slavery as exploited sharecroppers. Don't forget the peonage.
European immigrants got the headstart with 2 billion acres of Indian land, abundant free African labor, and Jim Crow. During Jim Crow, blacks were excluded from Social Security benefits (domestic & farm workers), GI benefits in the South where whites controlled the dispensing, FHA mortgages, etc. FDR's New Deal programs mostly benefited whites who built equity.
According to studies, it will take about 230 years for blacks to catch up with average individual white wealth. Massive generational wealth and power were maldistributed to whites through institutionalized slavery and apartheid.
Racism is a competitive relationship between groups for ownership and control of resources for wealth and power---a team sport. Whites got the headstart with blacks never being part of the race. Moreover, the first constitution was the white affirmative action program. It was written in broad and ambiguous language to camouflage the hypocrisy of slavery.
We are no longer a binary nation because of the 1965 immigration law which has been a major disaster for blacks who have earned benefits. Immigrants have ridden in on the coattails of great black sacrifice. And white women have mostly benefitted from affirmative action.
Whites on the left and right are using the buffer class (e.g., Hispanics, Asians, and whatnot) to insulate themselves from seriously addressing the benign neglect of black issues. Liberals just shuffle the chairs on a sinking ship to make blacks feel happy. On the other hand, conservatives just sink the ship.
We have black bootlicks on both the left and right, from "fish fry" Congressman James Cylburn to Senator Tim Scott. The Black leadership class, politicians, preachers, entertainers, and athletes aren't providing sufficient cohesive leadership. Social integration severely damaged black cohesiveness.
Blacks left their communities where small businesses were more present, and allowed other minority cohesive groups (i.e., Hispanics) to move in and replace them. Billions of dollars are now being spent on undocumented Hispanic immigrants. They're being sent to black communities where resources are very limited.
Jim Crow Joe Biden, in a post-election conference call with black leaders, said that the Hispanic population has surpassed the black population in America and that whites need to pay more attention to them. Furthermore, he recommended that blacks get along better with Hispanics. Lol!!!!
Minority groups are fighting for the leftovers. 40 years from now? Diversity diverts resources. Lol!!!!