Poor Rudy will be exposed to a lot of "stop and frisk. " Lol!

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Rudy Giuliani came to Georgia and claimed that the 2020 election workers in Fulton County were drug dealers (code for blacks?). White folks showing up at 2 black election workers' homes and harassing them because of Rudy's lies? Besides going broke, will Rudy sleep in the lower or upper prison bunks? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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BREAKING NEWS: Judge rejects Meadow's bid to move the case to federal court. Will he flip to help bring the Trump house of cards down? I effectively used informants during my career---the game! Lol!

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Microsoft analysts have warned that suspected Chinese operatives have used images by artificial intelligence to mimic American voters online and attempt to spread disinformation and provoke discussion division of political issues as the 2024th election approaches.

In the last 9 months, operatives have posted striking AI-made images depicting the *Statue of Liberty* and the *black lives matter movement* on social media, in a campaign that focuses on denigrating US political figures and symbols.


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In order to improve election integrity and restore confidence in our elections we should:

1. Minimize early voting.

2. Have documented auditable means of verifying early votes.

3. Encourage in person voting on Election Day.

4. Require bona fide ID for everyone that votes.

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"When Al Gore decided to step aside in 2000 with a stronger case than Trump might have been able ever to mount about how that election was inappropriately decided—they stopped recounting the ballots in Florida—he set one kind of precedent."

The statement above is disingenuous. Al Gore stepped aside because the Supreme Court decided (whether one agrees with decision or not) that continuing the recount process in Florida was unfair and ordered it stopped. Absent that order, Al Gore would probably still be counting ballots in Florida, or, at least claiming victory like Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams.

Whether the 2020 election was conducted fairly or not is important and should be settled. Many of the cases filed by the Trump campaign were dismissed on procedural grounds (which is legitimate) which meant that the arguments were never tested, so doubt remains. This isn't a sign of derangement, but uncertainty and it is in all of our interests to verify the legitimacy of the processes going forward.

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(Banned)Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

I'm looking forward to this evasive con man (Trump) being held accountable and placed in prison. If it causes major unrest or civil war, bring it on. So be it. Fuck Donald Trump and his minions! Imagine Glenn Lourys *deer in the headlights' moment. * If it went down, It would be, for the most part, limited to isolated insurgencies. I'll have a second career in FEMA camp detention centers. Lol!!!!

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Republicans have not been shy about the real intent of voter id:

Mike Turzai PA House Majority Leader: "Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done."


Pete Gilbert Pasquotank County NC GOP chairman: After ruling that on-campus address cannot be used to establish residency: "I plan to take this show on the road"


Ken Emanuelson Dallas Tea Party Activist: “I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they’re going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”


Don Yelton Buncombe NC GOP precinct chairman: "The law is going to kick the Democrats in the butt, If it hurts a bunch of college kids too lazy to get up off their bohonkas and go get a photo ID, so be it. If it hurts a bunch of whites, so be it. If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it."


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Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio gets 22 years in prison. He begged for mercy. Another race soldier bites the dust.


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And here we have Monty.

Keepin' the stereotype alive.

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With great respect for you and much of what you stand for and promote on your show, the problem is not having people like Carol Swain on the show. It's treating them with kid gloves once they are on the show, which is a way of giving them credence.

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Glenn and John believe that we hear less about “Woke” because Conservatives won. The truth is that anti-Woke school board candidates got clobbered.


Additionally Conservative candidates are backing off the attacks on awoke, because most people still have a positive image of the term


I joined this site in an attempt to hear rational arguments from Conservatives. Instead, I got venom and a jumbled explanation of their positions. They lack morals. Their only goal is to create an authoritarian government.

Glenn and John have no idea what is occurring outside of their limited viewpoint. We could rename this site what the dumb darker skinned people are doing wrong today. The guy wearing a N*ggas for Trump T-shirt was an embarrassment. Full stop.

I agree with you about being armed. Conservatives will not counter the racism coming from their ranks. In fact, the site gives them aid and comfort by telling Conservatives the label can be dismissed as equivalent to be calling someone a witch.

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Do the 2 of you think the 1960 Kennedy, Nixon election, was a fair election?

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I've noticed that nobody in this discussion has mentioned that Hillary Clinton claimed that the election was stolen from her and same with Stacy abrams. Neither of them are called sociopaths. And I don't know if anybody noticed that in Mississippi they have just announced that there was pretty extensive voter irregularities with checks and double checks that were not done and a lot of information that is missing.

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Glenn makes an interesting claim in this post (as he did on the podcast with John). At some level it is true - people need to believe in the integrity of elections, and additional security measures may be justified even in the absence of any fraud if it increases public confidence.

I don't know if Glenn is aware of this or not, but his argument here tracks part of Justice Alito's opininon in the Brnovich case deicded in 2022.


I have 2 problems with the argument.

1. I think it is clear that the Trump campaign and the Trumpist wing of the GOP have invested millions of dollars and considerable time and effort in convicing the public (at least the Trump supporting public) that our election systems are insecure. In effect they waged a massive PR campaign. Glenn's argument here sort of implies that that sort of fearmongering should be rewarded... If you want a change in elections rules that can be justified as increasing security, the way to get there is by engaging in the kind of PR campaign that Trump did? I have trouble buying that.

2. It is true that there are many people who believe that our elections are insecure and that this could be addressed through making election changes that tend to restrict access to the polls - make it harder to get registered and to show up and vote. But there are also many people who believe that our elections are unfair because of voter suppression - changes to election rules that make it harder for eliglibe voters to register, stay registered, and cast their ballots. As a result, the argument goes, the results of elections cannot be trusted. Why is the voter suppression argument any less justified? The Trump campaing asked various courts for literally this: they wanted Michigan to toss the ballots from Detroit, and Wisconsin to not count the ballots from Milwaukee. They asked the Supreme Court to throw away the electoral votes from 4 states: PA, GA, MI, AZ.

I'd argue that concerns about voter suppression are just as valid a basis to distruct election results and concerns about large scale, outcome determinative fraud. The evidence that various voting law changes have suppressed the vote in outcome determinative ways is, at best, dubious. Just like the evidence (or lack thereof) of fraud. If one perceived problem can justify changes to election law, the other should too.

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If violence happens during or after a Trump involved election, the blood will solely be on the hands of Conservatives. Multiple trials were lost. We have the GA phone conversation. We have the conviction of Guiliani. We have the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, etc. Conservations only believe that elections are valid if a Conservative wins. Given the cult like behavior of Conservatives, this battle was going to occur at some point. Let us confront the authoritarian behavior of Conservatives now.

Edit to add

Enrique Tarrio just got 22 years.

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