This whole situation just makes me sad. Even though John’s political views do not match mine I have always respected his opinions. I don’t know that will ever be the case again.

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John clearly gets most of his information from the Regime media. He is an insider with no intent on becoming an outsider. While he is a contrarian on race and woke issues, there are limits beyond which the gravy train will not go.

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Perhaps I’m about to develop a case of John Whorter Derangement Syndrome and give John a taste of his own medicine…it usually works on undisciplined children which John has proven to be….let this by and as he already arrogantly said he will say it again. That’s verbal disrespect for anyone appalled by John’s behavior and lack of self control

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Or maybe I’ll watch John on those days when I just feel like criticizing him for being an arrogant fool whose opinions may actually mean nothing to anyone

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Despicable….yes it is worse John and that you don’t know it….is unconscionable ….u call yourself a linguist and u don’t know the definition of an insurrection….I’m done with you John and can’t say I plan to make an effort to watch the show every other week when you’re on John….

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Imagine if someone DID take Trump out. Of COURSE some MAGA maniac with a gun will seek retribution. Heck, there will be hundreds of volunteers! He's their Saviour!

So then if Biden or someone on their side gets taken out, we will then have another civil war. Count on it.

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No, not a good look for McWhorter at all. But if memory serves he was on the same page years ago when he supported extra-Constitutional means for getting rid of Trump. But then he's a linguist, not a political scientist or a student of history. So in the words of Jesus (more or less) let me say: "Father, forgive John, for he knows not what he is suggesting."

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I too was bothered by John's comment.

OTOH, Trump does say some really stupid shit. And I still prefer him to Biden (a low bar).

What do I conclude:

John has flaws, just like the rest of us. Take what John says about Trump with a grain of salt, continue to value his other immense contributions to the conversation, and move on.

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Not today

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Jun 28·edited Jun 30

move on? What if someone on the right, like Chris Rufo said that “the leftist ideology needs to be stopped and Biden has enacted it across the federal gov't. Someone must kill him because he can't be elected again.” You think people or mainstream media would move on?

I do believe people have freedom of speech. However, there is a line at which such speech should have consequences. If John was a conservative and said this about Biden, he would lose his job and be publicly shamed. There should be consequences to what John has said. In this political climate and the precipice at which this expereiment stands.... his University should act.... but we all know that wont happen

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Jun 28Liked by Glenn Loury

Agreed completely about how the left would respond. But IN THIS CASE, I don't see any strategic value in playing tit-for-tat. John's said what he's going to say, and I don't see any value in attempting to drive him away, or make vague threats of "cancellation". TGS is stronger with him than without him, and that's where the subject has to end.

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This is not a tit-for-tat situation. If there was an academic on the right that publicly stated he wished that someone would kill Biden (or any other elected official); and also admitted that he has said this in private, I think the proper course would be for that University at a bare minimum investigate and at a bare minimum reprimand that person. These academic elites are in a position of power and influence. In case you have not noticed, our gov’t institutions are at a crossroads. Those academics advocating for political violence should be cautioned about escalating this country down this path.

Its not even funny how blind the elite academics on the left are to the situation. John and others claim that Trump must be stopped at all costs because he will destroy our democratic institutions. Well, guess what, Trump was removed from office and the institutions survived. Now, in order to keep Trump from becoming president, the left is willing to destroy those very institutions they are claiming Trump will destroy if he becomes president.

If John and others like him are willing to bend the law and even wish that someone would kill a political opponent, why should we believe them when they say there were no election problems in 2020. They are so desperate that I think John and many on the left would be ok with rigging this current election if it meant Trump would lose. Rigging an election is easier than killing a former president.

As long as the left and academic elites on the left continue to espouse actions that actually do threaten our democracy, they should be called out for it and argued against…John has been talking like this for a long time now. I am not trying to run him off the show. There are some points and opintions that i value greatly from John. But his words and opinions are way out of whack in this front.

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“When even a moderate centrist like John, who is usually so mindful of his language, feels license to talk like this about Trump, we must be in a very dark place as a nation. “ Glenn Loury

This statement says more about The Democrat party , John McWhorter, and yes perhaps even Glenn Loury then the nation as a whole. The “ Bad Evil things” we are told Trump did are simply opinions of the media and democrats than true facts. The current Biden and former (Obama) administration has done more damage to America (IMHO) than anything Trump has done. I could list facts but I do not think it would help those who already have “ their truth”.

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-Some of Trumps Accomplishments

Serbia was talking to Kosovo

The Arabs were talking to Israel

Bahrain, it was thought that the UAE Oman and Sudan were being engaged in diplomacy with Israel

Didn’t get us into any major wars

against terrorist safe havens

Eliminated Isis

As well as eliminated the threat of Solemani and Al Bagdadi

Withdrew from the most dangerous deal America ever engaged in with Iran in 2015 which allowed them to continue building nuclear weapons He instead reinstated sanctions

Brought hostages home

Changed NAFTA to USMCA

TAX CUTS for companies from 35% the highest of any country in the world were reduced to 21% now in line with the rest of the world...the effects to mention a few is that companies focused on expansion in the US bringing their profits back to America ...as well as all the positive

implications of that

Including higher wages which pre COVID was documented by the Census Research adding on average $6,000 for average households

Eliminated the penalty for no insurance which had only helped double profits for Ins. Premiums which previously rose to $7000 per individual

Reversed that price tag by increasing competition which as a business person he understood unlike folks that never had a job in the real world but lived off taxpayers money…and quite well which is shocking. Mansions, 3 houses at least one by the lake one in the city one in dc Others with huge stock portfolios allowed to trade on government info This guy apparently never even took a salary while the Clinton’s left with the China from the Rose room

Lowest unemployment in US history

Lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics

Opportunity zones

Decided to consistently fund black colleges by committing funds overtime instead of making them come back groveling every year as has been done for decades

Increasing flexibility for school choice

Veterans —totally reformed their access to healthCare and rehabed Walter Reed

Built the military to its strongest ever which means other countries will think twice before messing with us

Restored property rights of people that Environmental policies took from families where the land had been for generations don’t get me started down that road. It’s so infuriating to think how easy it was to find out all this stuff while all I heard was Russia Russia Russia How stupid did we have to be to think this guy was a Russian agent??? The one thing about him was if he thought it he tweeted it…. He would have given himself away…

And about xenophobia …..first what I found in the clips was he didn’t want criminals like the MS 13 guys who raped tortured and killed 2 beautiful young girls a few towns from where I grew up savages that’s what I heard him saying. He wanted the nice hard work immigrants that makes sense. I don’t want savages. He just said it in a way that was easy to criticize… the other thing I discovered about him is he grew up in a church where the Pastor wrote a famous book on positive thinking…so between hard work and thinking positive this guy forged through life… and although Matt calls him Richie Rich I didn’t find that as an accurate picture. His father apparently was a tough guy. And sent him to military school which almost broke him but instead it make him work tirelessly to prove himself. And his father didn’t want him to go into the business he did in Manhattan and he was always having to prove himself. There’s just something I hadn’t seen in him bc o all that was being said about him. In fact there’s a list of

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John McWhorter has sold himself to the NYT. Can you reconvene earlier than scheduled and put out a special on the debate? We should give John time to recant about who the greater evil is - Trump or whoever is currently acting President of the United States of America. There was a silent coup sometime between 4/25/2019 that is still ongoing to this very moment. A corpse was installed as President and the reality is we have no idea who is actually running the country because it's clearly not JRB. It all feels like it's a committee running things and they have a media pumping out propaganda unchecked. When the 2024 nominee for the DNC is announced it won't be Biden and the second silent coup will have commenced.

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"It all feels like it's a committee running things and they have a media pumping out propaganda unchecked."

It really does. We've been fed so many outrageous falsehoods the past 10-15 years. Citizens were literally forced to say man pretending to be a woman is a "woman in every sense of the word." Now add "Joe is a-okay" to the list of bald-faced lies. This nation is sick.

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But John said one thing right, he warned: Biden shouldn't debate Trump.

And people have to remember: that level of Biden's performance was possible only after his TOTAL immersion in a one-week preparation. And also it will be useful for people to watch an after-debate fact check CNN did on a multitude of Joe Biden's lies.


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One thing missing from the commentary here, I think, has to do with how utterly catastrophic an assassination of Trump would be for this country if it were to happen. Does John not understand how much worse it would be in America if it did happen? And I say that independent of whether Trump would be a bad or good president. The divisions and hatreds would be vastly intensified.

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Listen to John’s tone…..life has a way of humbling all of us …time will tell….And quite frankly I’m mad bc I no longer have the freedom to listen in to Glenn whenever I can bc I will not listen when John”s on and I feel certain if John wasn’t doing this for an excuse to go off and start his own thing he’ll stay just to spite the majority of us who are shocked and appalled by his outlandish remark and pitiful retraction

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John McWhorter should be prosecuted. It is a crime to call for the assassination of a President. It is NOT free-speech to encourage violence. An academic suggesting that murder is a good solution indicates indecent, immoral bankruptcy and intellectual vacancy. The 'black guys' image on the Glenn Show has been destroyed and black stereotypical perspectives can now be applied to John McWhorter. John should resign.

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John needs some time to contemplate this. I’m curious about what he says going forward. John and I are in agreement that Trump is a very bad person that has had very bad consequences for America. But I have seen how political partisanship can be deeply, deeply divisive and tarnish one’s soul. I allowed the Bush Kerry election to push me to a place that harmed my personal relationships. I’ve been on guard since then. Trump may win and if so we need to stay calm and carry on.

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Sad to say, John's comment doesn't surprise me. Back in the day when the Glenn Show was still on Bloggingheads.tv, in an episode in which Glenn and John were discussing the impeachment of Trump--over a phone call in which Trump asked Zelenskyy for information about Biden family corrupt activities in Ukraine (essentially, Russiagate)--John asserted that no one cared about that anymore. Russiagate was probably the worst act of treason committed by an American politician (Clinton and Dems), but John didn't care or want to know about it. Against that history, his comment here that he cares about the fate of the country under a Trump presidency strikes me as beyond hollow. John's closed mind and smug allegiance to the Groupthink of the ruling elites boggle my mind.

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Remember when we impeached a President over a stained blue dress (certainly beneath the dignity of the office if below the bar for impeachment)? When we impugned a President for wearing a beige suit in the Oval Office out of season (beige-gate?)

Contemporary politics are bizarre but let’s not pretend it’s a one-sided circus.

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The impeachment was for lying under oath about the blue stained dress. That was when the Dems and Regime media told us character didn't matter. Grand times, those.

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That’s when I switched parties to Democrat

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I'm 100% behind John here. 100% Trump is a psychopath

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What’s your percentage on Biden has dementia?

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What your percentage that John is a self absorbed fake intellectual

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I’m sorry to say then you don’t know the definition of a psychopath….that’s not my proclamation for Trump but for Merriam Webster

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You a psychiatrist?

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No, But he can read a dictionary.

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Clearly not.

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